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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

We all love a good New Year’s resolution! It’s so important to take the opportunity to explore new things and prioritize self-care. I’m all about bettering myself and becoming that girl, but let’s be real — by February, most of us start slacking on our resolutions… (I know, I know, I’m guilty of this too.)

There are the usual resolutions — going to the gym, eating healthier, picking up a new hobby — and we all love them. But sometimes, they’re just not the most practical for our lifestyles. I already know that some of my resolutions this year are going to be a struggle.

One of my resolutions is to start going to the gym. Yes, I know it’s basic, and I fully own that. I’ve always wanted to be a gym girlie, but let’s be honest, I also love being lazy. That’s why I’ve made a plan that actually works for me. Understanding yourself is key when setting resolutions. For example, I know I hate the idea of forcing myself to go to the gym every day (that would never happen), so I adjusted my goal to be more realistic. Instead of setting myself up for failure, I decided to go twice a week and give myself the flexibility to go when I want to. This way, I’m more likely to stick to it without completely giving up.

Now, my favorite resolution this year? Saving up to buy my dream purse! We all deserve to treat ourselves — life is way too hard not to. As a broke college student, I have no idea how I’m going to save enough, but it’s my goal, and I will make it happen. Having something to work toward makes all the difference. For me, it’s this purse, but for you, it could be saving a certain amount of money, landing a job, or anything else that keeps you motivated.

Now that we’ve talked about resolutions, let’s get into how to actually stick to them! Just writing down a list can feel boring and uninspiring, which makes it easy to lose motivation. So, I found a fun alternative — creating a bingo board! I saw this idea on TikTok and thought it was genius. I’m pretty competitive, so having a bingo board where I can check things off makes me way more motivated to actually accomplish my goals. If that’s not your vibe, making a vision board collage with pictures and stickers is just as fun. It gives you a visual reminder of what you want to achieve, keeping you inspired every time you see it.

A final tip for sticking to your New Year’s resolutions: be kind to yourself and celebrate the small wins. Growth takes time, and sometimes we don’t accomplish everything we set out to, but that’s okay! Appreciate the progress you do make, because at the end of the day, we’re here to improve. That’s why I always say: New Year, Better Me!

I’m Tamiyah and I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. I have the pleasure of being a freshman at the University of South Florida majoring in journalism! I’ve written for a couple of things such as Diamond Gazette Magazine and Revision Dojo. One of my favorite hobbies is writing, mainly short stories! Any genre too! I want to explore more than romance or fantasy and dive into psychological. Besides writing, I love taking pictures of beautiful scenery, traveling and exploring places that I’ve never been to!