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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Dear you,

Finals are only a couple of weeks away and I know you are struggling to balance your beauty routines and classes. The stress is piling up as is the work. There is so much to do and there are just not enough hours in a day. Although this is a difficult time, you have to remember that the you that is now is that only you that you have.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

You have to take care of yourself because that is your job and responsibility, as much as your classes. You will have many more classes, events, and tasks to accomplish, but you only have one mind to take care of. If you do not take care of yourself now, you will hinder yourself from growth and progress in the future.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

You have to remember that what you are going through right now is only temporary, but your mental health will be with you forever. I know you will do much better on your finals if you study, but you will also do well if you take care of yourself. Remember that self care can be as small as taking a ten minute breathing break. You can blend it into your schedule by taking breaks between study blocks, so please do it. Your stability is just as important as your GPA.

Take that break and paint your nails, or do a hair mask. A week from now you will not remember that exam, so make sure you take care of your mental health.

Good luck on finals week!

I am a 19-year-old student majoring in Psychology and World languages on the Pre-medical track. Writing has been a passion of mine ever since I moved to America eight years ago. My other hobbies include pageantry, I just crowned the new reigning Miss Teen Palm Beach America, and cooking. A fun fact about me is that I speak three languages fluently (Russian, Hebrew, and English) and I am a Wiccan. My background inspires my writing and plays a role in my approaches to certain topics.
Interests include but are not limited to: art, history, astrology, skin care, the french, politics (yikes), frank ocean, controversy and being extremely overdramatic.