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Important Things We Tend to Forget to Bring to College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Whether it be the very first semester to the very last semester of college, the excitement of going to college never seems to fade. You have your sheets, pillows, books and school materials. You think you have everything and you are set. Until that moment when something happens and you have no idea what to do next because the item needed is currently nonexistent. Here are some of the small but important things we tend to forget about.


1. Tooth brush

This small item is one everyone seems to forget. Yes, some people can use the excuse of brushing their teeth with a finger, but in order to have those pearly whites one would need good dental hygiene which obviously requires a real tooth brush. Let’s also add the little fun fact that college students are more prone to cavities than other age groups. So don’t forget your tooth brush!


2. Umbrella

Living in Florida, no one really knows what’s going on weather wise. It can be perfectly sunny one minute and then it starts pouring twenty minutes later.  That being said don’t be that person that walks into class looking like you jumped into a swimming pool instead. 


3. First Aid Kit

Accidents always happen, especially in college so a First Aid Kit will always come in handy.


4. Eye Mask

Some of you may have a roommate that may stay up studying late or roommates that wake up at six in the morning. Other situations can include natural light that can actually be bright enough to wake you up. That being said, it won’t always be dark enough to sleep, so bring an eye mask to get your full amount of sleep.


5. Board Games/Cards

Not every night or weekend will be filled with fun events or plans. So to kill the boredom bring a board game or a deck of cards and enjoy the night with the roomie!

6. Food and Snacks

Dining Hall food will not always be the best. Or maybe it’s storming outside and you don’t want to go out. Whatever it may be, having some snacks and food in handy will kill the hunger.


7. Batteries

You will need them for many things such as a computer mouse, lamp, or electronics. Bring all types of batteries just in case. After all, you don’t want your calculator dying the middle of a math exam don’t you? 


8. Professional Clothing

Some people just bring comfortable and casual clothing to college. There will be situations that require of a professional. It could be a class presentation, career fair, or even a job interview.


9. Ear Plugs

You have a roommate that has 8:00 AMS. Or neighbors that are partying it up on a Tuesday. Whatever it may be, there will be loud noises while you sleep. Therefore, bring some ear plugs to help you sleep. Just make sure your alarm vibrates or is loud enough! 

Dream Big
Sydjea Watson is from the beautiful island of Jamaica. She graduated from the University of South Florida with a bachelor's degree in mass communications. Sydjea has a passion and great appreciation for the arts. She currently works as a freelance photographer while pursuing a photography certification at Rhode Island School of Design.