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How to Keep Your New Years Resolutions!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

It’s only three weeks into the New Year but generally this is when all those New Year resolutions we’ve made start to falter as our obligations to other things begin to pile up, and then we eventually abandon our New Years resolution promising ourselves we’ll start again soon (which usually never happens). Well here are some tips to keep your resolutions going as we head towards February, where most of us run out of steam, and stick to them throughout the year.

Tip #1: Don’t Keep Your Resolution A Secret – Let the people around you know about your resolutions. Having others be privy to your goals will give you much needed support as you try to make a change, and they can help keep you on track and accountable for your actions.

Tip #2: Take Baby Steps – Most of us take these resolutions as an all or nothing venture, but this is usually a sure fire way to fail. Start small with your goals and slowly make your way to your ultimate goal. This way you can ease yourself into this new lifestyle you want and also give yourself time to adjust to the new changes you’re making.

Tip #3: Make a Goal Board – Having a physical representation of the goals you want to achieve for the New Year is a great way to keep you on track. Seeing your goal board everyday will remind you of the resolutions you made and help you stay on track of your goals. Just grab some magazines and markers and start creating your very own goal board. It’s also a chance for you to get creative and have fun, and for those of you who may not be feeling nostalgic for arts and crafts with glue and scissors give Pintrest a whirl and create and pin inspirational boards online.

Tip #4: Forgive Yourself– If you’ve slipped up on your New Year resolution don’t take it as a sign to stop altogether, give yourself room to make mistakes, forgive yourself and then keep going. By forgiving yourself you are acknowledging that you accept you can’t be perfect all the time but also that you won’t let these mistakes derail you from all the progress you make, just shake it off and start again.

Tip #5: Resolutions Aren’t Just for the New Year – You don’t have to wait for the New Year to make a resolution, you can start a resolution at any time!

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Ashley is a Chapter Advisor and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.