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Things We Need to Thank Our Moms For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.


1. Doing my laundry

I took those 17 years of having my laundry done for me for granted, and now I’m supposed to fend for myself? With you around, I never had to worry about having clean clothes, all nicely folded and put away. They just somehow magically appeared in my drawers. Thank you for that.



2. Teaching me to believe in myself

You made me believe I was a princess up until I was old enough to realize I actually wasn’t. Even though I’m older now, you still make me feel like anything is possible.


3. Being my personal Fashion Police

Thank you for telling me to go change when my outfit is just not cutting it. Plus, thank you for letting me borrow some of your clothes when I need them, and for taking me shopping for new clothes when I ask!


4. Being a 24-Hour Doctor

You’ve always known exactly which medicine or remedy I needed, and you never minded laying with me while I was coughing all over you. You take care of me tirelessly and I never hear you complain, even when it’s for a hangover.


5. Being my therapist

I never needed to go sit in an office and listen to the same advice I could get from you. You know me better than anyone in this world, and I know you want nothing more than to help me. When I’m happy, you’re happy, and you’ve always done everything in your power to keep it that way.


6. Listening to my drama

I can gossip about anyone I want and without having to worry about you telling anyone. I live for those nights when we both pour a cup of coffee, sit down, and have it out about those people in our lives that get on our nerves.


7. Being my chauffeur

Thank you for driving me around my entire life to cheerleading, school, clubs, parties, etc. I admit that when I finally got my license, I missed those rides to school where we would jam out to the radio and I would watch you try to be “hip” and “cool” rapping to Drake.


8. Being multiple people at once

Whether it’s a mom/friend/sibling/coach/hairdresser/stylist/makeup artist/chauffeur/or therapist … you are always there to be whatever I need at the time.



9. Being my role model

You are the person I want to become and I look up to you every day. Let’s face it, you are the equivalent of, if not better than, Superwoman. (Plus, we all know we turn into our mothers someday, it’s inevitable so don’t try and fight it).

10. Finding everything I lose

When I thought that lost shoe has disappeared into Narnia, but you somehow knew exactly where it was.

11. Saying yes when Dad said no

Thank you for always being the softer one.


12. All those home cooked meals and pizzas I didn’t have to pay for

As a broke college student, there is nothing I miss more than your cooking and all those free meals.


13. Dealing with my middle school phase

This one needs no comment. I’m so sorry, mom.


14. Letting me sleep in your bed when I had nightmares or during a storm

You played with my hair and talked to me into the endless hours of the night just so I would feel better and could fall back to sleep. I’m sorry I did this up until the middle of high school.

15. Punishing me or taking away my phone

Even though I hated it, it kept me grounded and taught me right from wrong.



16. Being my rock

When everything was falling apart in my life, you were the one person I could always turn to to keep me strong. You gave me your strength.

17. Lecturing me about saving my money

If it weren’t for you, I’d be more broke than I already am, so thank you for teaching me to be rational. You convinced me not to get that bag even though you ended up buying it for me yourself.


18. Being an amazing storyteller

Even though it takes you a year and a day to get to the point, I truly enjoy listening to you and watching your excitement when you tell me about what happened to you in the grocery store.

19. Making me feel beautiful 

You telling me how pretty I am every day of my life gives me the self-esteem boost I need whenever I’m feeling down about myself, and I can’t thank you enough for that.

20. Making me laugh

Our moments of laughing hysterically over a movie, a song, at someone, or just at something stupid are some of my most cherished memories. Your laugh brightens my day more than you’ll ever know.


21. Being my best friend

Nobody can ever take the role of my best friend away from you. Our stories, laughter, sadness, fights, long drives, late night talks, movie nights with cartons of ice cream are unforgettable and irreplaceable. If it was acceptable to make you my maid of honor, I definitely would.  

22. Being my #1 fan

Every time I have exciting news, whether it’s that I aced that exam or my crush finally talked to me, you are the first person I want to tell because I can’t wait to hear your excitement over the phone. Thank you for always supporting me through life whether it was in sports, school, or any decision I made, (like when I chose to get bangs). You are always, always there. 


So thank you for all you do mom, I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.