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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

I think we can all agree that summer is the BEST time of the year. Warmth, vacations, beach trips, fresh fruits, lazy days…. the list goes on and on. Here are the stages of summer I am sure we all go through.

Yay! School is finally over!!!!

Unless you’re like me and are taking a summer class…

Concert szn begins…

You find yourself going to the beach three days a week…

Getting stuck with the shitty shifts at work…


Realizing school starts in less than two weeks.. 

Thankful for a summer with your favorite people and counting down the days until next year…


Hey everyone! My name is Cassie and I am from Connecticut. I am a junior at URI majoring in pharmaceutical sciences. I am not entirely sure what I want to do with that major yet but hey, that's what college is for! I am obviously a apart of the URI Her Campus chapter and I am also a member of the Colleges Against Cancer here at URI. In this club, we plan the annual URI Relay for Life which is held down in Mackal Field House. I am so excited for our Her Campus launch and to be writitng weekly articles for you all :)