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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Easily one of the most exciting parts of the fall semester is the process of moving into a new space. Decorating, organizing and getting settled into a new room makes going back to school a little less painful. While move-in day is exciting no matter how long you’ve been in college, some things change after that thrilling freshman year move-in day. 


Freshmen: Picking out a cute outfit to impress all the new people you’re about to meet seemed to be one of the most important decisions on move-in day. Hair and makeup were fussed over and perfected. Nails were freshly painted. Everything was in place to make a perfect first impression.

Upperclassman: An upperclassman move-in outfit consists of the comfiest shorts that can be found and any t-shirt that has not yet been packed. Hair is up in a bun and everyone is prepared for heavy lifting.

The Move

Photo from Pexels

Freshmen: Many clubs and organizations make their presence known on freshmen move-in days and do all the lifting and lugging of boxes up to dorm rooms. Freshmen and their families can focus on getting things organized once inside.

Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy

Upperclassman: “How are there still more things that need to be carried in?!”

Saying Goodbyes

Photo from Pexels

Freshmen: Moving away from home can be intimidating and when it’s finally time to say goodbye to family members, emotions are at an all-time high. 

Upperclassman: After a few semesters you have learned what communication works best for you and your family. You know the drill. You will still miss them but you know the next time you’ll see them isn’t too far away!


Biological Sciences major at the University of Rhode Island. In my free time you can find me dancing, watching football, or cooking vegetarian meals!