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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

When you realize you have to start waking up early again…

But then you realize that you’re one semester closer to graduation…

When you get to campus and realize that your classes are closer to the Fine Arts parking lot but you already parked in Plains. 

 When you show up to class and realize that your friends are all in it…. 

And there’s also Brad from last semester that you were in love with even though he ghosted you.

And when your professor takes attendance and pronounces your name right. 

But then they give you your first assignment. 

And for some reason there are a bunch of freshmen in your class…

When you’re done with class so you go to the Ram’s Den for lunch… 

But you forgot you have no money on your Ram Account. 

But it’s fine because you’re going to kill it this semester.