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5 Things to Leave Behind From Last Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

As the new semester approaches, it is extremely important to remember that only you can decide your future. Although there are things we are excited to take into the new semester with us, there are some things that should definitely just be left behind.


1. Your Fear of What Other People Think of You:

Don’t waste your time wondering what other people will think of you. Live your own life. Do what makes you happy. Not everybody has the same interests as you, so don’t worry about their opinions of you. Worry about if you are happy or not. If you’re not happy, you are the only one who can change it.


2. Past Regrets/Mistakes:

Stop considering the actions you regret to be mistakes. You can’t change the past. Stop dwelling on something you can’t change, because it will never help you grow. Take what you learned from these experiences to change your future for the better.


3. Accepting the Love You Think You Deserve:

If your relationship isn’t mutually committed, let go. You can’t force someone to love you. It’s going to hurt and you will miss them, but someone will come along and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. You deserve to be with someone who will communicate and willingly share everything with you. Stop accepting mediocrity and giving so much for a relationship that you know you’re not getting the same commitment back. You deserve to be loved and loved right.


4. Being Afraid to Put Yourself Before Others:

It is not selfish to take care of yourself before taking care of others. You need to be happy with your own life before you can help someone else be happy with theirs. Your life should be the one that is most important to you so don’t be afraid to put youself first.


5. Negativity:

Just because one door closes doesn’t mean another door isn’t going to open. I know how cliche this sounds, but it’s true. Don’t let something bad that happened to you keep you from becoming the person you were destined to be. Let the new semester be a place to start fresh, and leave all your neative thoughts in the past. Remember, these negative thoughts can only bother you if you let them.

It’s like one of my favorite quotes says: “An entire sea of water can’t sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.”


URI Class of 2016. Health promotion major, Kinesiology minor, from Massachusetts. Sub-par lacrosse player, expert pizza eater. I'm probably obsessed with your dog. Follow me on Instagram: @tamelesss or Twitter: @tameless