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21 Life Lessons from a 21 Year Old

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

As 2017 is coming to a close, I have been doing a lot of self-reflecting lately. Was this my year? Did I achieve the goals I had set for myself at the beginning of the year? Did I learn from my mistakes? Did I grow as a person? While self-reflecting, I thought about how I turned that ‘golden’ age of 21 this year. Most people can’t wait to turn this age, and more often than not, people end up wanting to fast forward time in order to be this age. However, because I have about three more months of being 21 left, I am starting to realize I wish I had never rushed time, and I want to stay this age forever. That being said, a lot has happened for me this year. I have grown, I have fallen, I have overcome, I have achieved, I have stepped outside my comfort zone, and most importantly, I have lived. It is so important to self-reflect, and in doing so, I have come up with a list of 21 lessons I have learned at the ripe age of 21 (disclaimer: the first 10 are more in-depth).

1. Being 21 is not all that it is cracked up to be

Sure, you are finally legal! In my opinion, after about a month or so of being 21, I was a bit disappointed. I always thought it was going to be a lot different than it actually is. Don’t get me wrong, it is fun and all being able to grab drinks with friends and what not, but the build up of it all leaves you wondering why you so badly wanted to rush your youth. Also, let’s not forget how expensive it is. 

2. If you don’t know exactly what you want to do with your life, that is okay

Whenever I thought about senior year of college, I always thought I would know what I wanted to do right down to the minuet details. However, that is not exactly the case, and that is okay! Trust me when I say, most students don’t have that figured out. You are not the only one, although you might think so. Things will work out and you will eventually figure everything out. 

3. Never be afraid to talk to your professor

This is something I really wish someone told me before I entered freshman year. I remember as a freshman thinking that these professors didn’t have time to clarify why I got something wrong on a test, but that is so far from the truth (most of the time). Ultimately, the way I look at it, college is all about what you put into it. Do you want to clarity as to why the professor gave you a B on that paper and not an A? Go ask them! More times than not, they will clarify that with you, and sometimes you can even change their minds. The more they see that you actually care about your grades and their class, they will be willing to work with you. 

4. Take the time to travel

I cannot stress this point enough. Once you graduate college and move on to your next chapter, who knows if you will have time to even travel for a long weekend. Take the time and do it now. There is so much to see in the world, let alone in the U.S., because let’s face it, most of us at this age don’t have endless funds to travel the world. Go on a road trip on your weekends that you don’t have much work to do and explore a place you have yet to go, or a place that feels like home to you. 

5. Feelings are temporary

I want to stress that it is absolutely important to let your feelings in. Feel them as much as you allow yourself to, and then figure out your next step. This applies to anything in life. If you are frustrated with a certain situation, make sure you allow yourself to feel frustrated, but always remember that feelings are temporary. This lesson is a tough one for me, and one I am continuously working on. Although I might feel disappointed or defeated one night, I always try and remember that those feelings won’t stick with me forever. Tomorrow is a new day, so make it a good one. 

Which leads me to my next lesson…

6. If you find yourself crying more than laughing, it is not worth it

Life is all about being happy. The moment you find yourself crying more than you are laughing, that is the moment you have to decide it is just not worth it. At this stage in your life, you will begin to realize certain relationships are not what you once thought they were. You are coming into your own person, and so are other people around you. People change, and it’s hard to come to terms with that, trust me. If you find yourself smiling and laughing less and less, it is time to move forward. 

7. Sleep is so important

Okay, this one sounds so simple that it’s silly. I am telling you, from the moment I turned 21, I feel ten times more tired than normal. Does anyone else feel that way? Maybe it’s because life suddenly became more hectic and fun all at the same time, but either way, I have learned to appreciate my sleep so much more. There is just no need to stay awake until three in the morning working on an assignment when you could just get up the next morning a little earlier to finish it. On the same note, there is no point in staying out until three in the morning, it is so not worth it. 

8. Lists’ should be your best friend

To-do lists are simply a must. With everything going on in your busy life, a to-do list prioritizes everything to make it easier on you. Not to mention, how good does it feel when you get to check off something on your list? I literally jump for joy. Not only do I make to-do lists, but I make lists for nearly everything. Gratitude lists are always a good go-to. Once a week, sit down and write at least ten things you are grateful for. It can be anything from that perfect parking spot you found on campus that Thursday morning to your best friend for always being by your side. I am a firm believer that it really helps keep you grounded. 

9. Clean up your social media

I can’t even believe I am making this a lesson, because how annoying is it to hear time and time again from family members and professors? Trust me, I get it. I will say, though, it needs to be done. With social media being an obsession of so many these days, you want to make sure your social media isn’t filled with unnecessary posts. Who really cares to see ten posts of you in a bikini from that one vacation you took five months ago? The answer is most likely no one. In my opinion, people take social media to a different level these days, and I have learned to not fall into that trap, and I think it would benefit if more people tried to not get sucked in as well.

10. Stop going through the motions

This is such a crucial lesson. Last month, I was absolutely going through the motions. I would get up after snoozing my alarm too many times, head to school, zone out in most classes, do some homework, head home, make dinner, do some more homework, and head to bed. After about a month, I finally realized I wasn’t actually living. This is your time to live, and I mean really live. It is so easy to get caught up in everything going on in your life that you actually forget to enjoy it. 

11. Treat yourself to a nice meal once a week

12. Take pictures wherever you go

13. Don’t let negative people get you down- stay positive

14. Don’t let the little things bother you

15. Keep in touch with everyone from home

16. Start networking- everywhere

17. Reach out to people

18. Let people know how grateful you are for them

19. Do something you have always wanted to do but never knew how/where to start

20. Give yourself time to heal when someone has wronged you

21. Spread kindness to everyone around you and be happy

Senior at URI with a major in Journalism and a minor in Public Relations. Shannon studied abroad in the fall of 2016 in London, UK. While in London, Shannon interned at Time and Leisure Magazine where she wrote and edited for the publication.