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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

1. The professor doesn’t take attendence 

You da real MVP

 2. You took an exam last class

How could we possibly be starting something new

3. You need a personal day

Or two, or three. It’s tough being you

4. You haven’t missed a class yet

You might as well use all three of your allowed absences

 5. It’s the first nice day of spring

Everyone’s on the quad and there’s no possible way you’re missing it

6. There were no good parking spots

AKA there was a funeral and there’s no way you’re walking from Plains in the snow

7. The roads are too bad to drive

Even though the plows have been out since 6 a.m. you just can’t risk it

8. Your allergies are acting up

Or you’re extra sleepy, either way you’re going to be useless in your 9 a.m.

9. You’re too hungover to function

Sometimes Charlie O’s gets the best of you

10. All of your roommates are skipping

Yes mom, if all my friends jumped off  of a bridge I would too

11. It’s the Friday before break 

Only Satan would dare interfere with your travel plans

12. Or it’s the Monday after break

The two hour ride back from CT really took a lot out of you

 13. You need to use that time to study for a big exam in a different class

Soooooooooo ironic

14. All of the PowerPoints are online anyways

Taking notes in the comfort of your own bed is way more effective

15. You’re already ten minutes late

Walking in would just be rude at this point, especially holding your necessary cup of coffee


Rhode Island born and Rhode Island bred, Warwick specifically. Marketing Major class of 2017. I prefer sand between my toes, a coffee in hand and a pup in my bed.