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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.



Horoscopes are a great way to get a little insight into the future but they’re also great ways to get a little inspired to do different things. I, personally, believe in horoscopes but not the newspaper types (I have an uncle who used to make those up for the newspaper he worked at). It may sound foolish to some but I believe in horoscopes derived from runes or tarot cards. So, maybe you feel like you need a little guidance or maybe you’re just here for the laughs, but either way here is your March Horoscope.


Source: Author

March is your month, Pisces! Generosity, support and kindness make you feel secure this season and some unexpected, spontaneous help will appear when you need it the most. Be sure to reciprocate kindness as this will aid you in all future endeavors. Past losses are getting you down, dear Pisces, but you mustn’t let these bring you down and remember that isolation is not the solution. Instead, try approaching like with a simpler and more organized plan, Marie Kondo style! As good fortune nears you have to keep your energy synchronized with the universe and the possibility of a promotion or a new opportunity are very likely. Despite you past rewards and celebrations, Pisces, you seem to be straying away from family and friends. You must try to find your way back otherwise great hardship lies ahead.

Lucky Numbers: 4 (very lucky this month!), 7, 9


Source: Author

We’re almost knee-deep in your season, Aries! Someone may be using you for all the wrong reasons or you may be wanting to bring someone down a peg but beware of competitive feelings. It is a time for calm and waiting not a time for hasty decisions. Despite the lack of resources, an opportunity is likely to arise if you keep moving forward. Remember to give things their needed time and keep your guard safely up as opportunists may be getting ready to move in. An entrepreneurial energy surrounds you, but do not get drawn to seemingly stable schemes that will lead only to crisis. Changes are on horizon and you must me mentally and emotionally prepared to receive them.

Lucky Numbers: 3, 0, 23



Dearest Bull, you seem to be resisting change and your anxious and troublesome energy does not seem likely to disperse. Pessimism isn’t going to get you anywhere. Emotional deprivation has left you with a cold exterior; seek nurturing and find a way to love fully again. You kept putting things off and procrastination reigned. Now, you find yourself disappointed and dissatisfied. Artistic pursuits may be helpful in finding hope, inspiration and insight once again.

Lucky Numbers: 0, 4, 9


Source: Author

Obstacles keep getting in your way and the having a negative effect on your health, Gemini! Pay attention to your instincts and stop taking sides in conflicts; find a space of neutrality and stay there. Moving on, decluttering and delegating responsibilities on others will be of great help. You were handling too many things before, Gemini. You haven’t reached your full potential quite yet but if you follow your instincts and test the waters before going in you are right on the path to success. Your efforts will be worthwhile in the end and even more so if you are able to deal with conflict and drama without prejudice and with an objective perspective.

Lucky Numbers: 1, 19, 12



Cancer, March is a month for blossoming and rebirth but you seem to be lacking motivation. Maybe it’s time to rethink plans, reassess goals  and find a point of focus. Find the thing you love most in the world and go back to it. Remember what once brought you joy and run to it. Plans are at a stand still right now so you must be patient. Maybe it’s time to move on or for a big change. Remember to defend yourself and prepare for an unexpected occurrence.

Lucky Numbers: 24, 43, 4


Source: Author

Leo, it is a time for leadership and prosperity! Your endurance and deep feelings will lead to a bump up of stability in your life. Remember not to be too cautious as you seem to come through as a little paranoid. Your heavily guarded secrets go hand in hand with that and if you continue with the lack of trust your relationships will hit quite a speed bump. It’s a great time to go for that one ambition you think is too big to accomplish. You used to double book, keep too much on your plate and move on to quickly. Maybe now you could try taking responsibility for your actions in relationships and make some tough calls. Improvisation will help you out quite a bit in problems in the near future.

Lucky Numbers: 1, 11, 0


Source: Author

New endeavors will bring hope and confidence soon, Virgo. You must continue actively working towards your desires and you just might finally acquire something you thought long lost. Have faith in your actions and beware of over controlling situations. Playing the victim is a dangerous game and further use of this will put plans at risk of indecision and indifference. Your insistence upon a certain way of doing things will trigger arguments and bring only trouble. It’s not a time for self-centeredness but rather one for concentration. Stability and quality of life are underway.

Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 44


Source: Author

You have grown a lot, Libra. Remember to pace yourself and you will have continual achievement. You seem to want some sort of release but hold back and your living quarters are acting more like a death sentence than a place of life. It’s time to get back to basics and realize that material things might be becoming obstacles in your life. In the past, you allowed things to develop at their own pace but now new projects will start flowing in at a rapid pace and you must follow your vision in order to be part of them. Organization is key in this phase of your life!

Lucky Numbers: 7, 17, 27


Source: Author

Thing are a mess right now, Scorpio, you and I both know it. Life is unpredictable and trying things again is vital. You are isolating yourself under false pretenses and this is gonna lead to self- destruction. Stop running away from others! You’re not giving things your all and it shows. You used to force things and leg your instincts take full control over you but now some stronger connections and new opportunities are coming and you can’t keep handling things the same way. Be careful who you criticize, as well, Scorpio and remember to keep an eye out for the fine print.

Lucky Numbers: 7, 8, 14


Source: Author

It’s time to really apply yourself to your studies and support those around you. You seem to put out a cold attitude due to some previous emotional trauma. It’s time to get past these things and find beauty and love in others and yourself. Flexibility is key in order to maintain a calm and crisis free environment. A run of bad luck is finally coming to an end and imaginative solutions to your varying problems will soon be presented. You’re a bit over disciplined and have a nasty habit of putting others down, be sure to take care of these things in order to get to a point of success.

Lucky Numbers: 3, 33, 23



Capricorn, this month, stop taking signs and people’s actions so literally. You’re being unrealistic and you know it. Changes are very likely to come in the near future and you should welcome them. You’re being bound by a sense of obligation and it’s time to let go and make some tough choices. You have to act, Capricorn, and take an actual interest in your affair. You’ve grown but something new is on the way and it will transform things in a way you’ve never experienced. A new cycle is beginning.

Lucky Numbers:  1, 0, 41


Source: Author

Some unexpected news will open a new door for you, Aquarius, and enthusiasm and resourcefulness will ensure your success. Don’t let Opinions and pettiness keep you away from others and call upon family for wisdom and future ventures. Use your past experiences to make things better rather than worse and find a balance while not allowing yourself to be overly confident. Lack of motivation and disappointment are making you bitter, maybe it’s time to rethink future plans.

Lucky Numbers: 4, 6, 0

English Major with minor in education and art, aspiring writer, foodie, cook, baker, vegetarian, animal lover, Netflixer and indie music enthusiast.
B.A. in Political Sciences from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, currently pursuing an M.A. in Journalism at the Río Piedras campus. Fan of pop culture, media analysis, and Taylor Swift.