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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Horoscopes are a great way to get a little insight into the future but they’re also great ways to get a little inspired to do different things. I, personally, believe in horoscopes but not the newspaper types (I have an uncle who used to make those up for the newspaper he worked at). It may sound a little naive or superstitious to some but I believe in horoscopes derived from runes or tarot cards. So, maybe you feel like you need a little guidance or maybe you’re just here for the laughs, but either way here is your April Horoscope.



Source: Author

Aries, you are struggling against the current; let go. Find new horizons and let the fates take you where they may even it this leads you out of your comfort zone. You are facing a challenging task or decision but it will strengthen your skills. Learn to see those that seems like enemies as teachers who will help you reach a new potential. Find the lesson in the current struggle, dear ram. All signs point to a new venture being the solution, allow yourself to flow and prepare for a fresh new energy to surround you. Be clear and honest with yourself, this isn’t a time to turn to others for opinions. Look within you and find what is posing a challenge, what is standing in your way? Positive growth and change are coming but a descent into darker situations and energies is likely and part of the process of renewal. Realize that this difficult decision or situation may be a great opportunity in disguise!

Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 11, 13


Source: Author

Taurus, all those plans you worked so hard for will finally pay off and you will reap all the rewards. Your energy is at a peak this month and you will be able to enjoy all of this without becoming complacent. A challenge draws near, a storm after a great spur of calm. An unseen disruption to your peace and celebration. Look for a lesson to be learned from this and do not be discouraged. Perhaps you are holding on to outdated desires and beliefs. In order to see new opportunities ahead, you must let these go and stop resisting change. You must sacrifice something in order to feel a renewed clarity in your life. Find your concentration and see that the center of your spiritual energy is yourself and therefore you are what needs to find balance in order to have it disperse through the rest of your life. Finding this balance in energy will help you find your way otherwise many opportunities will be missed simply because you won’t be able to see them.

Lucky Numbers: 27, 21, 5, 3


Source: Author

You are aligned with the moon’s energy this month, Gemini. You have everything you need to complete the task you’ve been struggling through. You must take the time to fertilize the ground so that you may reap the harvest later on. This is not a time to be bound by old rules or authorities. It is a month for total honesty and clarity otherwise others will get hurt and you will damage yourself as well. To combat these challenges you must be ready for the unexpected, open yourself to receive messages and signal that will lead you down a path of enlightening. No action should be taken once you surpass the challenge at hand; sit and contemplate, analyze and reflect on what the course of action should be. Allow yourself to let go of the past, learn from it and reclaim the power you feel you have lost.

Lucky Numbers: 6, 20, 15, 29


Source: Author

Dear Crab, this month is a time for self-reflection and concentration. Get out of the shroud of darkness in your mind and you will soon be able to see things clearly. Things are moving very fast but there will always be stops along the way, if these are stops of struggle remember that your attitude and intentions will make all the difference. “No te ahogues en un vaso de agua,” don’t let your struggle reign over you. You may be concerned over a situation in the past or a current one , you don’t want to accept what is being offered or what is being imposed upon you. Consider that maybe it’s time to clean out what does not work anymore and try to find something new. You may see this as a carrier of pain but in these times of darkness is when one can finally see the light within no matter how dimly its shining. The appropriate action here is simply retreat, or even no action at all. A possible separation amy even free you to finally find your true self.

Lucky Numbers: 13, 11, 4, 6


Source: Author

Leo, April is one that calls for self-reflection and realization. It is time to see that not all opportunities are appropriate or open to you and you have to see that. If you are feeling lost or at a loss for clarity then it’s time to remember that what is yours and meant to be will come. Old ways must be let go but submission is key right now. Let the chips fall where they may; let go. The best course of action to face the current challenge is to be patient and a self-sacrifice may be necessary, it’s not a time to rely on others but despite all this its not a time for anxiety or distress. Surrender to the situation and let everything simply flow. You may have to give something or someone up, you may feel empty for a time. You must develop inner stability and illumination will come, in time.

Luck Numbers: 16, 23, 12, 7


Source: Author

A major shift or breakthrough has occurred in you, Virgo. A major period of prosperity is coming and darkness has been left behind. Considerable hard work may be ahead but remember to take part in it with joy and perseverance. Despite this don’t push things, they’re moving towards what you’ve been wanting but let them happen in their own time. Patience is essential. Open yourself up and let the light back into your life. AIm for something true and let it happen without any manipulation from you. A call to new life is underway and something unexpected may change your outlook on everything. Once these wishes and occurrences have passed it is a time for cleansing and realigning of energies. Rely on your intuition and you might even get what the fairy tales call “Happily Ever After”.

Lucky Numbers: 30, 28, 7, 9


Source: Author

The scales are tipped in your favor this month and development and growth are at peak level. This still allows for time to halt and integrated new ideas and people along the way. Some form of partnership is developing. But you must aware as to not lose yourself in any type of union. You may have to lose people or things this month but understand that they fulfilled their allotted and necessary time span. Examine your motives and whether you are doing things for your own well being or to manipulate others. Again, the loss of a person or friendship may be near but this is just someone whose presence in your life is no longer appropriate or fruitful. As the month ends, things may come to a slow down or a stop and difficult challenge however brief may be approaching. Handle it with tranquility and patience and success is a given.

Lucky Numbers: 24, 7, 0, 1


Source: Author

Only willingness to change and an honest and clear relationship with yourself will be of use this month. Major growth is necessary for progress to continue; a balance between yourself is greatly needed. You are falling into excess and are not measuring your strength. “Estas como el arroz blanco,” and this will lead to failure in current endeavors. Let instinct and intuition guide the way. A major shift has occurred and you may have to go on blind trust in order to move forward. Humor may be your best friend at this time since ruptures in  relationships are likely. What is required for growth may not be something you want or will accept willingly. But these are simply rerouting opportunities that will lead you to the necessary destinations. Take care of what you have in the future and enjoy what you have now, no matter how fleeting it may be.

Lucky Numbers: 23, 8, 31, 2


Source: Author

Cultivate your adaptability and skills this month, Sagittarius. Allow things to fall into place on their own. Powerful and drastic change is coming but it will not arise from nothing. You will have to become whole again and that in itself is all that matters. Let go of all things, allow yourself to find you again. You will soon emerge from the state you are currently in and a new path will be forged. You must work on yourself in order to find clarity once again. You’re having some trouble controlling your emotions which is limiting your progress. “No puedes tapar el cielo con la mano,” so know that despite all this you will move on and forward.

Lucky Numbers: 18, 7, 12, 5


Source: Author

Big changes are happening and your emotions are taking a toll. Controlling them is the only way to flow into new opportunities and challenges. You are failing to follow your instinctual wisdom and are letting yourself be driven by excess. The solution to these coming internal and emotional struggles is breaking free from restricting labels and materialism. The very core of what you knew as real in yourself, your relationships and beliefs will be shaken. But be sure to know that all these disruptions, all these changes will lead to growth, something the universe is demanding you do. In order to begin anew, you must exercise clarity in your intentions and understand that the universe is in harmony and when emotions thrive and changes occur, it is all to maintain the balance and beneficent forces.

Lucky Numbers: 2, 6, 25, 4


Source: Author

Intuition is key this month, Aquarius. Being in harmony with and adjusting to changes in personal relationships is ideal. It is a good time complete ongoing projects and resolve past disagreements. The way your difficulties pan out will be greatly affected by your attitude while dealing with them. Resolutions are coming but you must be patient, they won’t happen overnight and rushing them will only slow them down more. You may have to sacrifice your wants in order to fully evolve and grow in spirit, instead of seeking credit for your accomplishments, be content to imply complete a task; be present.Even more events will interfere with your development in the future. This means you may have to start over more than once and remain optimistic while doing so.

Lucky Numbers:  5, 9, 0, 34


Source: Author

Make sure you are certain of what you’re doing, Pisces, or what your not doing for that matter. Not everything’s meant for you and the sooner you understand that you are not missing any opportunities, the better. Realize that some things that are happening in your life right now are out of your control and dwelling won’t solve anything. Whether it be relationship failure, plans getting canceled or just lack of resources, these challenges will lead to something much better. A major shift is coming and it may not be for the better. Determine what is bringing negative energy into your life and consider that maybe this is a time to work on yourself, a time for repose.

Lucky Numbers: 23, 9, 8, 0

English Major with minor in education and art, aspiring writer, foodie, cook, baker, vegetarian, animal lover, Netflixer and indie music enthusiast.
B.A. in Political Sciences from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, currently pursuing an M.A. in Journalism at the Río Piedras campus. Fan of pop culture, media analysis, and Taylor Swift.