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Operation Christmas Child: The Gift of Kindness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.


‘Tis the season to be jolly and help people in need, especially after the devastation caused by Hurricane María. The best Christmas present we could ever provide is showing gratitude and empathy to all the families who are currently suffering María’s aftermath. Operation Christmas Child in Puerto Rico is an event where the English Department’s Professional Graduate Honor Society (PGHS) and Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez English Graduate Association (RUMEGA) will be conducting a supplies drive for a group of students from low-income families who experienced losses during Hurricane María. These students need essential school supplies and personal hygiene products.

The initiative began three years ago, from PGHS’s board of directors, when they heard Operation Christmas Child’s projects positively impacting school children from the U.S. in need, and decided to apply it to Puerto Rican schools. When the idea of helping children arose, they contacted a school one of the board members worked at, which is in fact, a school where 98% of students live under the poverty levels. Also, the school’s social worker is very passionate who is willing to do anything for the students at the school, and always works hand-in-hand with the organization. She makes a study where she identifies the children with the most needs every year, and the organization sets a goal of how many families they want to impact. Last year, they found donations for 20 families and a few extras they gave to the social worker for other children who might have needed them. The school’s name is never mentioned to protect the community.

This year, PGHS and RUMEGA chose ten children because our own UPRM students’ needs and situation after Hurricane María. From the selected children, it has been informed that some have lost everything to the extent that they are sleeping in hammocks  to this date. Another important detail is that neither the children nor the parents know that the initiative is called Operation Christmas Child, as decided by the social worker, and gives it another name to award their efforts in school. The reason behind this is to avoid the students from feeling inferior to the rest of the student population. The importance of this activity is to protect their integrity and for students to feel that they can achieve their goals despite their situations.



As the current President of PGHS, Edcel J. Cintrón González thinks “it is important to continue with this initiative and collaborate with other graduate and undergraduate associations into bringing joy and opportunities to schools and their students.” Edcel reiterates that it is not about “donating a high number of products;” rather, it is “the experience of giving others the opportunity to continue with their education regardless of the hardships we suffered due to  Hurricane María.” He feels confident that “with everyone’s support and effort, we can make a huge difference to these students’ academic lives one school at a time.”

Adriana E. Lebrón Larrache, president of RUMEGA, expressed that Operation Christmas Child was created “to help bring joy to where perhaps there was none during this holiday season.” Adriana also explained that their aim is “to provide gifts and supplies that can bring a little bit of happiness to children who lost most or everything after Hurricane María.” As Colegiales, she expressed they want “to contribute our small grain of sand with this event, showing what it is to be an exemplary person to these children and give them hope for a better tomorrow. The act of giving, without expecting anything in return, is a test of leadership, charisma, empathy, and more characteristics that make Colegio students stand out in Puerto Rico.” Adriana concluded that, “together, we will put smiles on these children’s faces; one day they will become the future of our country and hopefully do the same with future generations.”

As part of PGHS and RUMEGA’s Community Outreach initiative, Operation Christmas Child in Puerto Rico seeks to help these young boys and girls have a better quality of life and a happier Christmas season. The drive will take place from December 18th, 2017 through January 22nd, 2018. These donations will be delivered directly to the school on January 24th, 2018.

Donations can be dropped off at Chardón 009, 012, or 408. Please send an email to pghs.uprm@gmail.com or rumega.uprm@gmail.com with inquiries or comments.

If you are interested in donating supplies, please contact Edcel Cintrón or Adriana Lebrón via the following emails: edcel.cintron@upr.edu and/or adriana.lebron@upr.edu.

As a community, let’s “make an act of kindness; put a smile on a child’s face.” Let’s make this Christmas a truly special and unforgettable season of solidarity, empathy, and compassion to children in Puerto Rico, who are open for love and gratification.

A list of supplies is provided in the following charts:





Celia M. Ayala Lugo is pursuing her Ph.D. in Literatures and Languages of the Caribbean in English at University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras. She studied her MA in English Education and worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at UPR Mayagüez. She also graduated with a BA in Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) and a teaching certificate from the Department of Education of Puerto Rico at the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico at San Germán. Celia has partaken in various conferences, both locally and internationally, such as PRTESOL, Coloquio de Mujeres, International Auto/Biography Association, and Popular Culture Association. Some of her literary works have been published in literary magazines such as Sábanas Magazine and El Vicio del Tintero. For the first time, one of her research papers has been recently published in the Journal of Modern Education Review. Her areas of interest include Caribbean and children’s literature, Caribbean women’s poetry, intersectionality, post-colonialism, and decolonization.
English Major at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. With a minor in Comunications and a minor in Marketing. Interested in all things entertainment and pop culture. Passionate writer and aspiring journalist. Former Campus Correspondent at HC UPRM.