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An Open Letter to “My Ex-Best Friend”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Hi! It’s me, that one girl who wrote a letter to her ex and published it as an article. Well, here I am, back at it again with letters to exes. But a little different this time; this isn’t a guy who dumped me this a best friend who I guess became a little bit of an ex best friend or just a friend, if you get what I mean.

If you haven’t noticed I see these things in my life as content for my HC articles. I think exposing these emotions and the whole shebang to the world is kind of therapeutic in a way.

Source: Giphy

I think the goal of this article is not only to encourage better communication between friends but also to know when it’s time to let someone go. Sometimes things are worth fighting for but not when you’re the only one doing so. Maybe this will help you through a current friendship breakup you’re going through or  it’ll show you that maybe you’re  the friend who isn’t putting in the effort. However you see it or however it helps or doesn’t help you, I hope you find my actual life problems entertaining. I’m gonna go back to eating my feelings.

Me and my Ex-Best Friend

(I’m obviously joking. Chill the hell out.)

Source: Author


The Letter

Dear Ex-Best Friend,

If you had told me a month ago that in just a few weeks we wouldn’t be speaking or basically even friends anymore I would’ve laughed so hard, that would’ve been the best joke I’d have heard in a while. But yet, here we are. You haven’t spoken to me in almost a month. Almost a month. We went from talking basically everyday to not at all for almost a month. I’m just wondering how that happens. I’m just wondering how someone could care so little. I think what hurts me the most isn’t the fact that you left or that we sit together and you can’t even say a word to me; it’s the fact that I trusted you so much. I told you so many things and shared so many things with you and you could just get up and let it all go to crap.

Source: Giphy

Honestly, I would just like to know how this got to this point. I just don’t think that such a minimal thing could have led to this. I guess I tell myself that you must’ve been mad about something else or that it was like a buildup of stuff that made you kind of explode but I mean who knows, maybe you just wanted to react that way and did. I think you bottle up emotions too much, maybe it’s not my place to say since I tend to do that but I think you have bottle up emotions from way back and their starting to leak into your everyday life; you can’t keep them in anymore, you have to find a healthy way to deal with them. I guess I don’t blame you. You’re probably going through some stuff and didn’t see me as a necessary stressor or something. Or maybe you just got tired of me, saw the opportunity to leave and took it. I honestly don’t know. At this point I’m thinking you’re doing this for the hell of it, just to see what happens.

I’m not mad anymore. I think now I’m just sad that things could change between two people so drastically and so quickly. Maybe I’m just being dramatic, a lot of people say I am but I guess these things hurt me too much. Or maybe I just overestimated our friendship, maybe I was more friends with you than you were with me. I guess these are things I’ll never know and speculation only makes thing worse but there’s not much else I can do. You aren’t exactly one to talk about your feeling, like ever. So, I guess, there isn’t much else to say or do.

Hoping that you’re satisfied,

The annoying Cancer to your Capricorn

What I Know Now

All the maybes and the guessing I feel and write  just show the lack of open communication in the friendship. If you must learn anything at all from this letter to someone you don’t even know is that communication is vital. Talking, no matter how pointless or unnecessary it seems is so, so, so very important. Not being able to share feelings and opinions and concerns with someone you see basically everyday and who you consider to be your best friend, is just proof of something wrong, whether it’s the friendship itself, the person or something else, well, I wouldn’t know, but the problem is still there.

Source: Giphy

At the end of the day you (and me, as well) have to realize that sometimes people aren’t meant to stay in your life and that you, my dear, are the prize to be won. It is super important that you give things your all, because even if the other person doesn’t well at least you know that you did. But there comes a time when if you’ve given your all and been the bigger person and chased after a person 99% of the time then it’s time to let go. If that person is so used to you running after them when they get mad and they don’t make the effort to “run after” you, then maybe it’s time to remember your worth and remember that toxic behaviors like that are not something you need in your life. Obviously I’m not saying que te las eches ni que seas creid@ , all I’m saying is that in life, you have to know that you don’t have to adjust to other people or the world, someone who wants to be in your life will make the effort and they will not let a meaningless fight or a meaningless anything ruin that.

English Major with minor in education and art, aspiring writer, foodie, cook, baker, vegetarian, animal lover, Netflixer and indie music enthusiast.