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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

Sadly, summer has ended and now the important thing is how to return to the routine, so that the classes don’t catch you off guard. Some of us can’t find the motivation to start, and this tends to cause a lot of stress, even before the semester begins. For this reason, it’s essential to be prepared. I have tried different study strategies throughout my semesters. So, here are some crucial points, based on my experience, on how you can organize yourself to start the academic year off right.

Key points to ensure a good academic year:

  1. Planification:

Planning things ahead of time definitely eases the backlog and anxiety as time goes by. An advantage is the use of an agenda or calendar, depending on preference. For example, the whiteboard-style weekly calendar works for me because I can easily erase and write down only the important things I have for it, so I don’t miss anything. One of my favorites is the standing desk calendar since it’s easier to handle because just by looking you can remember what you have for the month (you don’t have to keep constantly opening it like a notebook). However, any type of agenda or calendar is useful. Select the one that works best and suits your convenience.

Be sure to read the syllabus or topics to make a study plan, where you include practical exercises and theory readings. If you have the dates of the evaluations, take advantage of it and put it on the calendar. This way you will be able to adapt your study plan for each subject. If necessary, print a table with the exercises or practice topics so that you can cross them off according to your progress. Finally, you can write a to-do list daily to facilitate the track of pending tasks.

  1. Time Management:

Knowing how to manage your time is the key so that the planning you made can be fulfilled. The time that you’re going to dedicate to each subject may vary depending on the number of credits or the difficulty of the course. Personally, it works for me to set timers (depending on the difficulty) starting with 30 minutes or an hour, and leave my phone on “do not disturb” while studying. Establishing small goals helps to get a little more motivation and forces you to be responsible. If you’re one of the people who belongs to a team or association, you must be wise with your time so that you don’t leave your studies aside and can accomplish all the extracurricular activities. The best advice is to review all the subjects every day to relieve stress and academic overload. You can also apply the different time management strategies that exist like the Pomodoro method, Flowtime Technique or 60-60-30 Technique and, as always, select the one that best suits you.

  1. Take Breaks:

That’s right! Breaks are important, as long as they are measured. The amount of free time you’re going to spend will depend on you. Remember that we have to recharge our energies and it’s okay to sit down and do the things that we like and that bring peace to our mind. Take into consideration the famous breaks and not only for eating, but also for leisure time. Since, the brain and our body need to take some rest in order to continue.

Personally, I set a 10-minute timer as soon as my study time is up. I use this time to answer messages, listen to music, write, see social media or any distraction. Sometimes I realize that I need to rest when I don’t retain information about what I’m studying and it has been like this for a long time. Take my word for granted, that’s the time to also take a break!

Some say that stress can be reflected by the environment in which you find yourself, therefore separate time to clean your study area. Thus, you will be able to achieve better concentration and reduce stress or anxiety. Keep your goals clear so you know what to prioritize and focus on it. Achieving consistency will be beneficial to manage your routine well. 

Remember, you can do anything, as long as you organize yourself properly!

Laura S Pierantoni Marrero is Sub-Secretary and writer for her campus. She likes to share some of her experiences as a tool for readers. Her most frequent topics are Sex + Relationships, Academics, Entertainment and Her 20's. Currently, she is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Project Management. She has participated within UPRM Aero Design as part of the Project Management department and as the Project Manager of the team. She was also a mentor at the Pharmaceutical Engineering Summer Camp (PESCa 2023) that takes place at the campus. She is a certified mosaic artisan from Puerto Rico and during her free time she likes to write stories, poems and short novels. https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-pierantoni-23974830/