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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

You may have heard that there are two sexy, French-Speaking, civil engineer exchange students from Canada on campus. Rumor has it they are very, very cute, but that is the understatement of the century. While Benoit’s blonde hair and mysterious smile as well as killer confidence remind me of Ryan Gosling, Francis naughty blue eyes and great sense of humor have a no less than an Ian Somerhalder vibe. Yes, I am not exaggerating, they really are that awesome. Back at home, they say, they are two regular dudes, but since they got to UPRM this January they have become celebrities, with groupies and all sharing hot love declarations through the social networks. Despite their popularity, these adventurous buddies could not be more down to earth. When I contacted them, they happily agreed to meet me for the interview. They opened their heart in honesty and swept me off my feet with their bubbly personalities and smart thoughts. Could they possibly be more charming?   


Name: Benoit

Age: 23

Year: 5th

Major: Civil Engineer

Hometown: Montreal, Canada

Status: Single

Favorite food: Roast Beef

Blondes or Brunettes? Brunettes

Celebrity crush: Ivonne Strahovski

After this question I stop to analyze the fact that he likes brunettes, but this girl is blonde. Then I proceeded to ask about his ideal date, and he amazed me.

Ben: I would take her to hike, and then I would ask my friends to prepare a table with a dinner at the very top of the mountain, so I can surprise her when she gets there.

The single thought of it was so romantic; this boy seemed pulled out of a Disney movie. Then Francis talked his way into the conversation “You must really have great friends in order to recreate that date.” We all laughed. The formality lasted nothing, soon the interview turned into a casual conversation that lasted about an hour. 



Name: Francis

Age: 22

Year: 5th

Hometown: Montreal, Canada

Status: Taken

Major: Civil Engineer

Status: Taken

Favorite food: Filet Mignon

Celebrity Crush: Emma Watson

As he answered his celebrity crush question I told him how predictable it was, so I inquired, what is it with men and Emma Watson?

Francis: She is just so natural!

On the line of the romantic, I asked him about his ideal date. It seemed to be the only question that he thought a bit too much.

Francis: I would probably cook for her.

Then the obvious question surfaced:  Why Puerto Rico of all the places in the world?

Ben: Everybody ask us the same question. It seems like they analyze it a lot more than ourselves when we chose to came here. Mainly we were looking for a university that offered our concentration courses and UPRM is well recognized for its engineering program. We also wanted to practice our Spanish and the weather is a great plus.

Their expectations about Puerto Rico were the usual, the beach, the drinks and the pretty girls. Yet, these two cuties have fallen in love with our island and everything it has to offer.

Francis: We have felt so welcome, the people is warm and friendly. I had in mind the beach and the surfing but Puerto Rico is so much more! You guys probably have no idea how amazing this place is. The bond you maintain with family and loved ones is remarkable, the way you help each other, even strangers. But what I like the most is the Boricua laid back, one day at a time life philosophy. You really make time to have fun, to enjoy yourselves, and that makes living here special.

So, UPRM girls are better because?


Ben: Curves you know! Girls back at home are not curvy. You girls are also very feminine and flirty, plus great dancers.

Francis: I must emphasize the curves (laughs) and of course, girls on campus are very smart and interesting.

They speak perfect English and are pretty fluent in Spanish. They were dying to speak some French to me, but I asked them if they had a particular pickup line in Spanish.

Ben: I say something like “No hablo mucho español pero eres preciosa.”

Francis: Honestly, the accent is the best pickup line (laughs) but I say “Quieres aprender francés?” And they always say yes.

We talked books, movies, music and even politics. Interestingly, they feel identified with Puerto Rico’s political situation, due to Quebec’s own particular cultural identity mismatch with the rest of Canada. This, I found more than fascinating, as the majority of tourist are unaware of Puerto Rico’s peculiar political status and identity mismatch with the United Stated.

 While Francis is a classic Beatles Boy, Ben is into electronic music. They have been doing plenty of internal tourism and have visited several places from Old San Juan to The Camuy Caverns, and even Culebra. They witnessed the best party of the year, Las Fiestas de la Calle San Sebastián, and they also cheered for our Bulldogs at Las Justas. They love Thursday night’s social life at La Bosque. After I finished my questions, I gave them some space to ask me anything. They were supposed to have five questions, but they cheated, and I gladly let myself be cheated on. We talked a lot.

Francis: What is the one thing that we must take with us from Puerto Rico?

Me: Exactly what you have, its people and the way we have made you feel.

Ben: What is the way into a puertorricans girl’s heart?

Me: (laugh) Every girl is different but I think we all agree that a guy who is confident and makes the right approach, showing interest yet respect can truly win any Boricua’s girl heart.

On his free time, Ben likes to practice snowboarding, soccer and volleyball, Francis likes to go hiking, backpacking, and as “every good Canadian” he plays hockey. 

Former Chief Editor and Campus Correspondent at the Her Campus UPRM chapter of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Writing in NYC, living the dream.
Olivieri is a Puerto Rican entrepreneur who craves knowledge and has a passion for writing. Currently trying to unravel the world's mysteries by majoring in physics.