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Cheerleader’s Captain: Paola Prosper

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.


It’s one of the most important seasons for our Cheerleading team! You might be wondering who’s in charge of leading the team to the Justas, which will take place this weekend. Meet the Cheerleader’s captain Paola Prosper; this sweet girl is responsible for boosting the Colegio’s team spirit. They keep all collegiates united by giving enthusiastic dance numbers and shouting our favorite quote: Antes, Ahora y Siempre Colegio! to all sport teams. They have the power to make every single team of the UPRM feel at home wherever they go to compete. That’s why they need us to give them all the energy that they have always transmitted to us with their cheers in all of their games this Friday in the Juan Pachín Vicens Stadium at Ponce. Make sure to bring your team spirit to see our cheerleaders in action giving their best! Keep reading to know more about this great captain and their team.


Name:  Paola M. Prosper Crespo

Major: Biology

Team: Cheerleading


HCUPRM: How long have you been a member in the team?


PMPC: I’ve been in the UPRM Cheerleading Squad for 4 years.


HCUPRM: What have been your favorite moments with the team?


PMPC: Those unforgettable moments before every competition when our team gets together and pray nervously; we all feel that strength to go out there, step on that matt, and give our very best! Those are definitely my favorite moments.  


HCUPRM: How is your relationship with the team?


PMPC: Like any other, we’ve had our ups and downs, but in the end, there isn’t anything or anyone better than my teammates, or better yet, my family. 


HCUPRM: How do you manage your time with schoolwork, practices and your personal life?


PMPC: It’s not easy being an athlete in the Colegio. We have to manage our time very wisely, get organized, and study whenever we have the chance because, once competition season starts, we have very little time for ourselves. Without a doubt, it’s about being responsible and VERY organized.


HCUPRM: What do you like most about your role as captain?


PMPC:  Before I was named Cheer captain, my best friend had been captain for 4 years. There’s no better role model than her. Everything I learned about being a leader, I learned from her. What I like most is being able to listen to opinions and make decisions based on what the mayority wants.

HCUPRM: How has been the experience and work leading up to this event (Justas)?


PMPC: I think this has been the hardest year of all, especially because there are many new members to the team. We’ve worked extremely hard and I think we’ve done a good job leading up to Las Justas. You’ll be surprised with this year’s rutine! 


HCUPRM: What can UPRM fans expect from your team’s participation this Justas 2014?


PMPC:  This year will be different from any other. There is definitely more difficulty and creativity. I’m pretty sure it will be nothing our fans will expect, but most of all we won’t let you down! 


HCUPRM: As a successful leader of the Cheerleading team, what advice would you give to all that girls that aspires someday be on your position?


PMPC:  I wouldn’t really know what to say! There’s nothing better than doing what you love because you enjoy every minute of it. The road will get harder and harder, but it is up to you to not give up and always do your best. Whenever I feel like I’m having a bad practice, I don’t let the frustration take over me. There is no better feeling in the world when you start to dominate those stunts that you were struggling with before. The key here is to ALWAYS give your 200%, even if you are having the worst day.