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90s Throwback Songs That NEED To Be On Your Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.



In the spirit of our 90s throwback week, here are ten songs that NEED be included on your playlist.

1. “…Baby One More Time”, Britney Spears

Britney Spears’ debut single came out in 1998, with a video as iconic to match. This song launched her career and established her as the “pop princess” of the 2000s.


2. “I Want It That Way”, Backstreet Boys

Released in 1999 as a part of the Backstreet Boys’ third album Millenium, this song remains one of the best boy band songs ever made, and has been a staple in their career and in our remembrance of the 90s forever.


3. “I Will Always Love You”, Whitney Houston

Even though this song was originally released in the 1970s by Dolly Parton, Whitney Houston’s cover released in 1992 will remain the most iconic song of the late singer.


4. “Wannabe”, Spice Girls

This 1996 jam by the Spice Girls still makes me wanna Zigazig-ah!


5. “My Heart Will Go On”, Celine Dion

The timeless theme song for Jack and Rose’s love story on Titanic. This Celine Dion anthem, released in 1997, is her biggest single and will forever go down as one of the best songs used for a movie soundtrack ever.


6. “La Macarena”, Los del Rio

You couldn’t go to a party in the 90s without hearing this song released by Los del Rio on 1993 and do its famous dance moves, even if we were too young to understand what it was truly all about.


7. “Wonderwall”, Oasis

This 1995 classic by Oasis will forever remain as the go-to song for aspiring guitarists everywhere.


8. “No Scrubs”, TLC


This TLC jam released in 1999 is a staple for ladies that don’t want no scrubs.


9. “All The Small Things”, blink-182


This song released by blink-182 in 1999, is one of the classic pop-rock songs of the 90s.


10. “No Diggity”, Blackstreet ft. Dr. Dre, Queen Pen


This song performed by Blackstreet, Dr. Dre, and Queen Pen was released in 1996, and is one of the ultimate 90s R&B anthems.


*Videos courtesy of YouTube


22 years old. Island Girl. Bilingual. Political Science. International Relations. Pop Culture Junkie. Music & Movies.
English Major at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. With a minor in Comunications and a minor in Marketing. Interested in all things entertainment and pop culture. Passionate writer and aspiring journalist. Former Campus Correspondent at HC UPRM.