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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

We all know that working in groups can be super annoying at times, and a hassle. This is especially true in the case of a lot of iupi students. Some of us commute an hour to get to university, or some of us live far away and can’t make weekends work. So, yeah, it’s a hassle.  In some other case, it may be that the members of your group do not want to cooperate. The, you end up doing everything on your own. It’s sad that these things happen. The point of these types of assignments is to encourage the exchange of ideas and teamwork. Given the case that this does not always work and currently in the semester this type of assignment rains, here are some tips to help you.


1. Communication

Even if one of your classmates is reluctant to attend the meetings, they do not want to speak or participate, you show the initiative. Provide a basis for conversation and dialogue. In this way, you will encourage and invite others with motivation to participate. The energy you transmit is very important when interacting with others, take it in your favor!

Plus, if you can’t meet in person, there are always alternatives. You could do a video call. Whats App has recently incorporated group video calls which could be super helpful for meetings. If a member can’t attend a meeting, record the conversation and send it to them.


2. Organize yourself.

Take out calendars and agendas, locate yourself in time and space. Determine hours and meeting places accessible to the entire group. Stipulate the number of times you will meet and what things you intend to accomplish in each of those meetings. Keep a note and attendance at each meeting.


3. Trust.

Trusting each of your group members is important. Everyone is doing their part in the work and as others trust you, you must do the same. Do not cover it all by yourself. I know that sometimes it is seen as the simplest and fastest alternative, to solve everything by yourself, but it really is not like that. The work is intended for a group and not for a single person, this could overwhelm and overload you.


4. Patience!

Breathe. It is an assignment, after all, do not let it take over and mortify you. If things are not flowing or going as they should, talk to the professor and come to some agreement or term, but do not let yourself get stressed about it. Your peace and mental health are also important.


I know it’s not simple, but it’s not impossible either. Remember, communicate! Telling other members of your group what you expect from them can go a long way. There are options for meeting in person and have patience. So so so so much patience. Keep slaying this semester, baby, we’re almost done!

Paola is a young writer who enjoys sharing advice and helping others. She is currently finishing a BA in Statistics and likes to use her spare time to have fun with friends and family.