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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

TED is an acronym for Technology, Entertainment and Design. Created in 1984, its a nonprofit organization with a mission for “Spreading ideas”. The TED conference, an annual event, brings talented thinkers from each department to give an 18 minute presentation with the purpose of generating opinions and broadening ideas. According to New Yorker reporter Nathan Heller: “TED has created a product that’s sophisticated, popular, lucrative, socially conscious, and wildly pervasive—the Holy Grail of digital-age production.” 

Each year, people from every creative outlet give out amazing and inspiring speeches to discuss everything from arts to social issues that we are facing today. Guest range from poets, to artists, to world renowned names like Bill Clinton and Bill Gates. TED is all about innovation and imagination.  The 18 minute acts are purposely that time because according to TED curator Chris Anderson, they are “…long enough to be serious and short enough to hold people’s attention”. They also range from every topic and can use multimedia and visual performance.

Thanks to TED.com we can bring you what we considered this year’s highlight that adress important themes relevant to every aspect of our society.

Bringing Together Innovative Ideas…


Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim (legal activist) 

“Because there is an economy here, an economy of influence, an economy with lobbyist at the center, which feeds on polarization. It feeds on dysfunction. The worst that it is for us, the better that is is for the fundraising.”



Meg Jay: Why 30 is not the new 20 (clinical psychologist)



“We know that the brain has its second and last growth spurt in your 20’s as it rewires itself for adulthood, which means that whatever you want to change about yourself now is the time to change it.”




Sebastião Salgado: The silent drama of photography (photojournalist)

“I saw in Rwanda total brutality. I saw the deaths by thousands per day. I lost the faith in our species.”



Daniel H. Cohen: For argument’s sake (philosopher/academic)


“If argument is war, then there is an implicit equation of learning with losing.”




Jinsop Lee: Design for all 5 senses (designer)


“‘Maybe sex is so good because of the 5 senses’. When she said this I had an epiphany, I decided to evaluate different experiences that I had in my life from the point of view of the 5 senses. To do this I devices something called the 5 senses graph.”



This year’s TED prize winner -who are granted $100,000 and a “wish to change the world”- Sugata Mitra presented his wish guided to build a school in India for “out of range of cloud-based, scalable approaches to self-directed learning.” Listen to his wish down below:


Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud (Professor)

Click on the next page to read in Spanish

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Uniendo mentes innovativas

TED es un acrónimo para Tecnología, Entretenimiento y Diseño. Creada en el 1984, es una organización sin fines de lucro con la misión de “Compartir ideas”. Las conferencias de TED, un evento anual, trae pensadores talentosos de cada departamento para dar una presentación de 18 minutos con el propósito de generar opinión y expandir conocimiento. Según el reportero de The New Yorker Nathan Heller “TED ha creado un producto que es sofisticado, popular, lucrativo, socialmente consciente, y inmensamente penetrate – el Santo Grial de la era digital.”


Cada año, personas de cada rama creative presentan increíbles e inspirantes discursos son sobre diversos temas desde artes a problemas sociales. Consiste de una gran variedad de invitados, de poetas, artistas, a famosos como Bill Clinton y Bill Gates. TED es todo sobre innovación e imaginación. Las presentaciones son de 18 minutos, ya que según el curador de TED, Chris Anderson, son: “…suficientemente largas para ser serias y suficientemente cortas para mantener la atención de las personas.” Las charlas, que tocan una gran variedad de temas, pueden incluir multimedia y presentaciones visuales.


Los Ted Talks han generado una conversación a nivel mundial. Por tanto, estas conferencias han logrado capturar la atención del público al presentar temas importantes y con relevancia social. 




Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim (abogado)

“Porque hay una economía aquí, una economía de influencia, una economía con cabilderos en el centro, el cual se nutre de polarización. Se nutre de disfunción. Mientras peor sea para nosotros, mejor es para recaudar fondos.”




Meg Jay: Why 30 is not the new 20 (psicóloga clínica)

“Sabemos que el cerebro tiene su último desarrollo en los 20, mientras se renueva para la adultez, lo que significa que lo que sea que quieras cambiar de ti mismo, ahora es el momento para cambiarlo.”


Sebastião Salgado: The silent drama of photography (fotoperiodista)

“Vi en Rwanda brutalidad total. Vi miles de muertes por día. Perdí la fe en nuestra especie.”


Daniel H. Cohen: For argument’s sake (filósofo/académico)

“Si argumentar es guerra, entonces una ecuación implícita de que perder es aprender.”


Jinsop Lee: Design for all 5 senses (diseñador)

“‘Tal vez el sexo es tan bueno por los 5 sentido’. Cuando dijo eso tuve una revelación. Decidí evaluar diferentes experiencias que había tenido en mi vida desde el punto de vista de los 5 sentidos. Para hacer eso creé algo llamado la gráfica de los 5 sentidos.”


El ganador del premio TED este año – el cual le dan $100,00 y un “deseo para cambiar el mundo”- Sugata Mitra presentó su deseo para construir una escuela en India para “métodos escalables para el aprendizaje autodirigido “. Escúchalo presentar su deseo:

Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud (Profesor)










Suzzette Martinez Malavet is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras studying Information and Journalism. She loves photography, shoes, fashion, social media, traveling and exercising outdoors. She has interned at the Capitol of Puerto Rico, Diálogo Digital, Wapa TV, Telemundo Network, U.S. Census Bureau's Center for New Media and Promotions and the Corporate Communication/Sales & Marketing Department of the U.S. Mint in DC, but her proudest accomplishment was in Spring 2013 when she founded the very first HC Chapter in Puerto Rico, Her Campus UPR. Suzzette is currently the Chapter Advisor of Her Campus American University, Marymount, William & Mary, and GW. She is also a returning intern this semester at the U.S. Census Bureau's Center for New Media and Promotions. This 22-year-old woman is the most career-driven individual you will ever meet. If you want to know a little more about her...if you want to know what makes her tick and what inspires her the most...Unlock the mystery by reading some of her awesome articles!