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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

The Computer Science world is very entertaining but competitive at the same time. As a journalism student that attempted coding for a year, I sure learned that it is still very difficult for women to be taken seriously in the programming world. Nevertheless, our campus offers a space so that women who are starting their studies in Computer Science or just want to acquire extra knowledge to develop and improve their coding skills. ‘Cause let me tell you one thing: OUR JEREZANAS ARE KILLING IT!

#include president, Grace Rodríguez, reiterates that their association provides help to girls pursuing studies in the STEM field: “We might feel a little left behind, because a lot of the boys studying Computer Science have already had previous coding experience”, that’s why #include offers a variety of coding seminars for the UPR community. This association has various chapters throughout the Island: UPR Ponce, Mayaguez, Bayamón, Río Piedras and in the UMET. It promotes diversity, therefore, not limiting themselves to only helping girls; they also help out the guys and adults that want to start or continue their studies.

Lineysha Casanova, who’s majoring in Language, also took the leap into the Computer Science world. This is what she had to say:

“Don’t be afraid! This is something everyone needs to know. Men dominate this branch of science, but who said we can’t take over?”.


Another student whom I encountered stated that chauvinism is almost absent in our Computer Science department, which is good because this way girls won’t be scared out of trying to pursue a career in Computer Science. She advised to “look for all the help possible”, and also stated that “it’s difficult but it’s possible”.


Sofía Meléndez, who is dominating in the Computer Science and Physics classes, brought to our attention one of the issues that women deal with every day especially in the STEM system:  

“Society shows women to appreciate life and beauty, but for some reason, they see us incapable of being part of a world of logic and abstract math. We have to change this because we need to have sex equality and be inclusive in all of the STEM disciplines.”

– Sofía Meléndez.

Overall, all of the girls recognized that being a minority in this branch of Science is both a pro and a con. Trying to be heard is hostile and complicated, plus the “extra” attention, both academically and physically. On the bright side, the majority of the men recognize that we are a force to be reckoned with! More and more girls are interested every day in Programming; also, the Journalism world, dominated by women, is highly recommending programming knowledge. We just might take over your computers and your world!


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Born in New York's finest hospital: Belleview. Raised in an echanted island: Puerto Rico. Don't expect me on the sidelines, I walk as if the world were my runway. Journalism student learning Physical Education and Recreation because writing stories under preassure was not enough.