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Poetic Mondays: Chronicles of an Unrequited Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

We’ve all been there. We’re torn between the things we want and the things we need. Sometimes our impulses get the better of us and even when we’re wrong, we give in to our desires. Here’s an open letter from an anonymous contributor to the impulsive lovers who never know what to do with their choices. 


Chronicles of an Unrequited Love 



I’m torn

I’m caught 

Between I want to

And I shouldn’t

But I can’t

But I would

And you want to

But you don’t want to

And everyone knows

But no one knows for sure

But… not everyone knows

And maybe that’s a factor 

Because he’s there 

And so’s she 

And we love them

But want each other 

And our passions

Scream from afar 

But we ignore them

Or maybe you do

But I know I do

And I know you do

And we both ignore the fact

That inside

We both die for each other.




So, we did

And wanted to

But shouldn’t have 

And it was wrong 

And it felt wrong

But it also felt right

And it was 

But it wasn’t

And I loved it 

But hated it 

But longed for it 

And I yearn for it 

But, do you? 


It’s like yesterday never happened


When it was just you and me

And no one else mattered 


When we did

And wanted to 

And should have

And would.