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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Poetic Mondays: C’est la vie


I am at a loss for words: the confusion is setting in and my insecurities are growing and shrinking at the same time.


there is no balance anymore


no longer does it exist in my life.


I have no complaints because I know it will pass


I have always


and will always


carry on


It’s not a matter of happiness


It’s a matter of survival and passion.


It’s a matter of giving everything you have


to fight for what you want


I may face innumerable foes


but my biggest foe is myself


I am my Achilles heel.



I must defend against myself


and to make sure I don’t get Lost.


the maze is great and ever changing.


But the only way one could waver is if resolve is Lost.


one could stray from the path


but the lack of resolve keeps you away  



Its hope…


not Just hope


It’s a lot more


but that’s where you start.


that one day it will get better


even if that day starts after the sheets on your deathbed have been cleaned.



It’s hope and an identity


a motive of sorts


something to stand for


a drive


I must keep going


I must march on


for both my life and everything I love depend on it.


by Rafael Armando

who am i? I'm Rafael Hernández. probably the most conceited person you'll ever meet. But not in a bad way. You see, I raise myself up because I believe that in order to love someone you have to first be able to love yourself. I get people. I'm a listener as much as i am a talker and that's saying a lot. I'm also honest and straightforward because I have nothing to hide and I'm not afraid to be blunt. I also think it's incredibly obnoxious to brag about oneself like i'm doing right now but hey it's a bio so let's have some fun with it XP. I always say: "Live life the way you want to because chances are nobody cares more about your life than you!" But don't take that out of context. it's ALSO important to listen and consider other people's opinions and foresight because sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes to point out what's wrong. YOLO so make it count!