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My Top 3 Tricks For Studying Without Electricity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

by: Jaydy Mir

According to a recent ABC News report, more than 450,000 people are still without power in Puerto Rico. Many of which are students who find themselves struggling to study without the normal means and benefits of electricity. As a Puerto Rican student who is struggling to find a balance between work, life and no electricity, I found three tricks that have helped me study while on a limited time frame of natural light and electric generated power.


1. Flashlights and portable electric lanterns:

Taking flashlights and organizing them in bunches helps to have a high light concentration. I would take three to four flashlights and point them to the ceiling in the same place. Also, take anything white, light or see-through light like cardboard, sheets and/or towels; point the light towards them, and they will diffuse the light into the room.

2. Family and friends:

This is where I had to put my pride aside and ask for help. I had family and friends who got power before us, so I would ask them if I could study in their house and charge my equipment. Sometimes I would stay over for 1 even 2+ days.  Also, checking local restaurants, shelters and stores helped. Anywhere you can charge your equipment is a plus.

3. Power banks:

Power banks are a great investment. They work as portable rechargeable batteries. They come in different sizes from small ones that charge your phones to others that can even start your car. The way you can charge them vary; some are solar powered while others you can charge them with your car battery. The rest are electrically powered. The price range is from $5 dollars to about $150+ on eBay.  

If you have any tips and tricks that may help study without electricity let us know.


Image credits: 1, 2 and 3.