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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Anyone coming of age during the 2010s has some memory of the now infamous show called Pretty Little Liars. Whether it’s from merely hearing about the anonymous villain ‘A’ that incessantly targeted the main characters or an almost decade-long commitment from watching the show since its beginnings in 2010 until it’s awaited ending in 2017, Pretty Little Liars remains an integral part of zillenial nostalgia.

However, when talking about PLL, it’s unusual to hear complete praise for it. Rather, fans of the show tend to go on long parades about the problems with the show, mainly focused on the consistent portrayal of toxic relationships and the realization that, midway through the show’s 7-season run, it was obvious that there was no answer that would suffice to conclude its convoluted mystery filled with blackmail, secret relatives, and lots of black hoodies and red coats.

As someone who started watching the show midway through its run, I can’t deny the hold it had (and continues to have) on me. I avidly monitored fan theories, discussed the episodes with my friends, and religiously tuned in every Tuesday night on Freeform to find out what Aria, Spencer, Emily, Hanna, and Alison were going to be up to that week. Nonetheless, I too was disappointed with its conclusion, leading to a loyal but self-aware stanning since the series finale.

After deciding to rewatch the show earlier this year, I was able to appreciate it from an expectation-less perspective and I can now earnestly say that the show holds up well. Away from the better-than-the-actual-show fan theories, the show never fails to provide some type of drama to keep audiences entertained, boosted by the natural chemistry between the core cast.

A reboot is slated to premiere on HBO Max this summer.

Looking back at PLL, I can see where the line between audience expectations and the story written by the showrunners was blurred towards the later seasons. In an effort to keep people tuning in, the show relied on the building of mystery through red herrings and inconsequential storylines, oftentimes muddled by aggravating B-plots, to the point where it backed itself into a corner that it was never going to come out of. 

Knowing that now, I’m able to enjoy the show in a much different way. Not having to worry about what’s going to happen lets the show shine for what was always its forte: a great cast and consistent drama. A reboot featuring a new cast is slated to come out later this year, and I can’t wait to usher in the Pretty Little Liars renaissance. 

Political scientist with an affinity towards pop culture and media analysis, currently pursuing adventures in journalism.