Long-Distance Relationships are a real challenge. You go from seeing one of your favorite people almost everyday to not seeing them for long periods of time. From them being a part of your daily routine to suddenly leaving and changing your life all at once. Simply put, it sucks, but sometimes, it’s unavoidable.
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This semester, I’m dealing with one of my best friends moving to another country for a few months. It’s our first time being apart for so long, so we made a survival guide to help us get through the months ahead.
Before They Leave
“Open When…” Letters.
They’re bound to go through different things while they’re away. These letters can contain anything you want to say to them, for any possible situation you could imagine: When they are sad, stressed, don’t feel good enough, or even for when they are sick, any moment counts. Each letter could contain words of encouragement, like a small peptalk that can help them get through it, and a reminder that a little piece of you is with them.
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Make visiting plans.
You bet I’m booking a trip to visit her! It doesn’t have to be a long stay, perhaps your schedules won’t always align, but a weekend together can be just enough time to reconnect and explore new places.
Spend as much time together as possible.
Soaking up our last few days together was the highlight of my summer. On random days, we would ask each other what we were doing that night, which usually meant spending time together because we knew the clock was ticking, trying out new coffee shops, watching our favorite movies and staying up late talking about everything helped us cherish our last weeks together.
When They’re Gone
Have virtual dates.
Movie night, pampering, wine night, Bible studying, anything! I am honestly so excited for everything we are going to do together online. We’ve already downloaded the apps and planned out the different activities for our dates. It doesn’t need to be perfect, it’s just about spending time together.
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Send “Silly Little Updates”
Text each other all the time, even if it’s just to share small moments. They’re a reminder that they are still the person you want to share everything with, even if you or they can’t reply right away.
Just because you can’t be with them daily doesn’t mean the friendship is over. You don’t need to be afraid of that. As long as you both want to make this work and are willing to put in the effort, things will turn out just fine.
Lots of love,