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Fine Art Fridays: Alex Cepeda: Reminiscing about Tuna Bardos UPR

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Name: Alex Cepeda Ramírez

Year: 7th

Studies: Musical Education

Instruments: Guitar and double bass


Her Campus at UPR got together with Alex Cepeda to reminisce on Tuna Bardos UPR achievements in September and talk about their future activities.


12th International Contest of Tunas

Alex: “This was my first trip with Tuna Bardos UPR, I had never flown outside of Puerto Rico, so it was very emotional and the flight didn’t seem that long! The moment we won, I felt peace and ecstasy, because we prepared for 8, almost 9, months… It was a moment where I knew that everything I did was worth it. I feel that there are no words to fully explain how it feels when you win something like this. We put our University’s name up high, we put Puerto Rico on the map, and we put the reputation of our tuna up high!”

Held at Eindhoven, Holanda, the “City of Lights” from the 15th to the 18th of September, Tuna Bardos had a great run since they won three of the awards: Best Tuna, Best Show, and Tuna of the public.


Remembranza: un homenaje a compositores puertorriqueños

Alex: “We recognized the composers that represented our beautiful Puerto Rico!”

Celebrated on Sunday, December 11th at the Theater of Escuela de Bellas Artes at Carolina, Tuna Bardos and Fernando Madera honored our puerto rican composers.


Travesías CD

Tuna Bardos UPR will soon launch their second CD: Travesías.

Meanwhile, you can contact them on their Facebook page to buy their first CD: Tuna Bardos de la Universidad de Puerto Rico which is also available on iTunes and Spotify.

For bookings, please call (787) 329-0916.

Born in New York's finest hospital: Belleview. Raised in an echanted island: Puerto Rico. Don't expect me on the sidelines, I walk as if the world were my runway. Journalism student learning Physical Education and Recreation because writing stories under preassure was not enough.