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Campus Cutie Law Student: Nicolás Pérez Martínez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Name: Nicolás José Pérez Martínez

Age: 26

Year: 4L

Graduate Degree: Law School and MBA 

1. HCUPR: What’s something readers wouldn’t know just by looking at you?

Nicolás: Contrary to what people perceive, I am friendly. Not serious.

2. HCUPR: Describe yourself in three words…

Nicolás: Creative, empathetic and driven.

3.HCUPR: Any hobbies?

Nicolás: Basically, anything that enhances my knowledge. Food for thought. I like reading but that is something that I do normally to have a clear understanding of what is going on. But, if I have to say one hobby in particular, I would say paddle boarding…

4. HCUPR: What is your dream job?

Nicolás: My dream job would be working in a place where I feel that am doing something worthwhile, where I am committed not only rationally, but also, emotionally. A place where I feel part of the corporation, where I do good to other people. Also, a place where I am able to work towards the improvement of my country and not for my personal lucrative benefits. In the legal setting, my dream job would be, simply, a job that does not feel like one. 

5. HCUPR: Why did you choose the University of Puerto Rico Law School?

Nicolás: I chose the University of Puerto Rico Law School because if it were the Interamerican University Law School or the Pontificial University of Ponce Law School, I would’ve had to sell one of my lungs, just joking. The UPR Law School is the most accessible. 

6. HCUPR: What made you become interested in law school?

Nicolás: I did my undergraduate studies in the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez. I majored in psychology. I think that people have to know the type of professional that they want to be. It can’t be the obtuse and retrograde version that we have here, which is becoming a CPA, lawyer or doctor and that is it. Nowadays, because of the needs in the society that we live, we need to be multifacetic professionals willing to adapt into different challenges. That is where you find the law. Law is everywhere. Law is just another tool to attack a problem. On my part, I want to use these skills to implement them in a business. 

7. HCUPR: What type of law are you pursuing? 

Nicolás: I like corporations, bankruptcy law, start-ups…

8. HCUPR: What is the best/worst part about being a lawyer?

Nicolás: Depends on the type of services or the legal setting. For me, the best part is working in the corporation, bankruptcy and start-up aspect of law. There, I am in the position of really working to impact the life of a person positively. The negative aspect of being a lawyer, for the most part, is giving up my personal pleasures. 

9. HCUPR: Words of wisdom to the underclassman…

Nicolás: Don’t go with the flow. Everybody tells you to specialize in a field, a very Roman way of thinking, but I think the contrary…Diversify your knowledge as much as you can. 

Click on the next page to read in Spanish

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Nombre: Nicolás José Pérez Martínez

Edad: 26 años

Año: 4D

Grado: J.D. y M.B.A.

1. HCUPR: Dime una cosa sobre tu personalidad que los lectores no sabrían con tan solo mirarte…

Nicolás: La gente piensa que soy serio. Sería todo lo contrario, amigable. 

2. HCUPR: Descríbete en tres palabras…

Nicolás: Creativo, empático y determinado.

3. HCUPR: ¿Tienes algún pasatiempo?

Nicolás: Un hobby como tal…me gusta mucho remar o paddle boarding. Eso es bueno. 

4. HCUPR: ¿Te idealizas en algún trabajo en particular? ¿Cuál sería tu trabajo ideal?

Nicolás: Un dream job para mi sería un sitio donde yo esté haciendo algo que al gremio le interese, que el compromiso no sea algo racional sino emocional, osea que me sienta parte de la empresa que formo. Algo que sea para el bien del prójimo y no para el lucro personal. Algo que estimule a tu país para seguir hacia adelante. En la práctica, ¿qué sería un trabajo ideal? Bien sencillo, un trabajo que no se sienta como trabajo. Esa es la mejor respuesta. 

5. HCUPR: ¿Cómo te decidiste estudiar derecho en la Universidad de Puerto Rico?

Nicolás: ¿En esta Universidad? Bueno, tiene que ser ésta porque si era la Inter o Ponce tendría que vender un pulmón (riéndose)…

6. HCUPR: ¿Qué te hizo interesarte en el derecho?

Nicolás: Estudié psicología en mi bachillerato en la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayagüez. Uno tiene que saber qué tipo de profesional quiere ser. No puede ser la versión obtusa y retrógrada que hay aquí en que es CPA, abogado, médico y se acabo. Hoy día las exigencias laborales y la necesidad de la sociedad en donde uno vive te obligan a un futuro profesional ser lo más multifacético y en ese contexto, pués está el derecho porque el derecho está en todos lados. Yo estudié derecho para eso, para utilizarlo como una herramienta más para atacar el problema que se me presente. En fin, ser un empresario…

7. HCUPR: ¿Cuál es la mejor/peor parte de ser abogado? 

Nicolás: La mejor parte sería estar en la posición de realmente hacer un cambio para bien. Un cambio que incide en la persona. Por mi parte, el peor aspecto de ser un abogado en el gremio, es tener que renunciar a muchos placeres personales. 

8. HCUPR: ¿Qué tipo de derecho te interesa?

Nicolás: Derecho corporativo, quiebras o start-ups …

9. HCUPR: ¿Recomendaciones para estudiantes interesados en ingresar al campo de las leyes?

Nicolás: Yo siempre me he mantenido en contra de la corriente. Todo el mundo te dice especialízate, una visión bien romana…de como tiene que ser tu preparación académica, yo digo lo contrario, diversifícate lo más que tu puedas…

*The pictures were taken from:

NickyJoe Pérez Facebook Page 

Suzzette Martinez Malavet is a senior at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras studying Information and Journalism. She loves photography, shoes, fashion, social media, traveling and exercising outdoors. She has interned at the Capitol of Puerto Rico, Diálogo Digital, Wapa TV, Telemundo Network, U.S. Census Bureau's Center for New Media and Promotions and the Corporate Communication/Sales & Marketing Department of the U.S. Mint in DC, but her proudest accomplishment was in Spring 2013 when she founded the very first HC Chapter in Puerto Rico, Her Campus UPR. Suzzette is currently the Chapter Advisor of Her Campus American University, Marymount, William & Mary, and GW. She is also a returning intern this semester at the U.S. Census Bureau's Center for New Media and Promotions. This 22-year-old woman is the most career-driven individual you will ever meet. If you want to know a little more about her...if you want to know what makes her tick and what inspires her the most...Unlock the mystery by reading some of her awesome articles!