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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

The long-awaited recess is approaching after an eternal semester. Although we have not concluded it yet, that does not stop us from daydreaming about Christmas! Here is a list of things you can do during your holiday vacation:


1. Trullas and parrandas

Going out with your friends to spread the Christmas spirit is one of the best Christmas activities. It’s cold because it’s night, there’s a lot of food, music, and love. Going from house to house is an incredible adventure and much more if the panas are there.

2. Movie marathon

Choose from a wide variety of streaming movies on Netflix or choose your classic ones. Grab your siblings, family or friends and have a movie day or movie night navideño with many munchies and pillows.

3. Eat

Eat everything you are offered, eat everything. Arroz con gandules, pernil, coquito, morcilla, tres leche. You’ll get so stuffed, but it is so worth it.

4. Decorate your house/hospedaje

Batch yourself by converting your living areas into a piece of the north pole. Buy or make your own decorations. This entertains and cheers the soul. Click here for an excellent article to help you start your Christmas decorations!


5. Exchange of gifts with your friends

Gifts!!! Nothing is more exciting than surprising your Secret Santa with the secret gift you have been trying not to tell for two weeks now. It is very fun and makes your friendship ties stronger.

6. Eat pt.2

cuajito, tembleque, pasteles, guineítos al escabeche, mondongo, flan, batata



7. Listen to typical Christmas songs

Spotify has a variety of Christmas music playlist available, choose the one you like the most and enjoy it or create your own playlist to share with other people! Here I leave you some of my favorites: 1, 2, 3, 4


8. Appreciate time with people you love

This is the season of looking back on the year and being grateful for the people who surround you now and love you. Be happy, grateful and full of joy for what you have and for what will come.

9. Eat pt.3

Yes, more food because it is delicious and it makes us happy!!


No matter what you do this Christmas, enjoy the good times while they are happening, always remember what is really important and spread lots of love and joy. I wish you all a very merry Christmas!

Creds:1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5

Paola is a young writer who enjoys sharing advice and helping others. She is currently finishing a BA in Statistics and likes to use her spare time to have fun with friends and family.