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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

If you’re anything like I was, you have trouble controlling your emotions when you’re faced with difficult situations like failing at a task, or not meeting someone’s expectations. You’re probably sick and tired of going to bed every night to a movie reel of all of your worst moments –including that one time in history class (you know the one). I’m here to teach you how to get rid of those feelings and keep them out.

Here are my top 5 collegiate-approved tips to not letting the little things ruin your life.


1. It happens.

So you made a bit of a fool of yourself in front of your crush. It’s okay!

People make mistakes. Everybody feels ashamed at some point in their lives, and most can’t shake it away for a while. It’ll pass – all you have to do is learn to let it go. This is super helpful for small things, especially if it’s from long ago. You won’t believe how freeing it is to finally let go of all those embarrassing times from high school.


2. Learn to forgive yourself.

Sometimes we take our flaws and faults way too hard. I’m not talking about “oof, I’m such a dummy” – I mean full on “I hate myself because of this”. If you feel this way, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many people trip, and fall, and feel like they just can’t get back up. I was once like that. Sometimes it’s hard to remember this, but we’re all human. Humans make mistakes. Humans also learn from their mistakes. Even if it takes you a little time or a lot of time, you’ll find the strength to get back up and grow into a better, brighter person.


3. Find your core.

Think fast: who do you care about most in the world? Family? Friends? Fictional characters? What about their opinions and feelings – do those matter to you, too? What things are you passionate about, what things are you flexible on, and how tolerant are you about things that are different? Knowing who and what you listen to is important when you develop a sense of caring because it helps you decide What Not to Care About.


4. Filter your thoughts as you go along.

Partially related to the last point, the trick to Not Letting Things Get To You is actively deciding how to handle a situation to your advantage. Have you ever tripped and fallen in the middle of a busy hallway? You probably got back up quicker than what you could think – but now you’re left with your own reaction towards the fall. Will you angst about it for weeks, taking up your precious time and energy for countless nights? Or will you breathe, remember that it happens, and just keep walking? This can happen in more passive situations, too. It might irk you if a random stranger says something racist, but, then again, you don’t have to engage or take it to heart if it’s a passing conversation. You don’t need that baggage anyway.


5. Practice awareness.

Let’s be real here: we are all too busy, too tired, and WAY too stressed to deal with any surplus tension in our lives. Knowing yourself and knowing how to maintain a healthy balance is key to keeping that semi-permeable wall of Caring in tip-top state. It’s much easier to let things get to you if you’re worried or angry about something else – being aware of When Not To Even Think About Certain Things will help you a lot. Trust me.


Stay positive!

Jomayra is a third-year Psychology student from the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras. She loves the arts, and writes for the defunct Blog section of HerCampus. (Secretely also writing for Poetic Mondays in HC@UPR RP). Currently swimming in class lectures.