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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

We have just witnessed history.

The last four years we have been beaten down.

They have tried to silence us.

Yet, day after day we still stood firmly, together.

Everything we are, was endangered.







And so on.


It seemed never ending.

We were left out in the bitter winds of the winter.

Our people died in their hands, and yet, they just became another number in the headlines.

We craved just a sip of justice.

Just a slice of peace.


The day has come where we celebrate the victory

And the hell we went through to get here.

The people we lost.

The people who suffered.

The ones who came over for a hope to a better life.

We did it for them.


We were their voice when they couldn’t speak.

We fought for each other and not for ourselves.

Together, we will heal one another.

I am a junior at UNT and I am majoring in journalism. I love to write about anything and everything. I’m probably somewhere listening to Taylor Swift while writing about life.