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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

The version of me that’s come after him?

I think she’s smarter, more cautious,

and much more nervous.


She knows the value of promises now,

She knows what to look out for now.


Even just a little reminder of him

Seems to make her smile dim.


I know she’s stronger now and is on the mend,

But I know she’ll not soon go looking again.


The version of me that’s come after him

Knows her voice, her mind, and what she wants


And she’s glad that isn’t him.


Madison Snider is a senior at the University of North Texas, studying to get a Bachelor's Degree with a double major in Digital and Print Journalism and History. She is disabled and wants to bring awareness to issues facing disabled women and students. She loves to wear colorful eyeshadow and use makeup to express herself creatively. Madison hopes to be a journalist in the news industry after graduation.