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Molly Peach-Bombay Beach
Molly Peach-Bombay Beach
Molly Peach / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

I’m afraid of many things

Bugs are the first thing to come to mind

then sudden loud noises

slamming doors, raised voices and the like

knives I suppose

and pain of course

But then what?

What fears are ever present yet unacknowledged by my own mind

or known but not spoken?

There is the idea of loneliness and loss

That the ones I love would be taken from me or leave,

seeing me as not worth it to stay

I fear that I am no good

a false front of good deeds and good thoughts 

that will crumble in the end and show nothing but this shadow I feel I am

My fears are than just these thoughts though

They are the feeling in my chest

the horrible tightness that steals my breath

forces my heart into a thundering race that I cannot win

In the end I can offer no solace to myself

by knowing these things

All I can have is the strength that I hope comes with living with this fear.

A freshman at the University of North Texas. Majoring in biology with the hope of becoming a veterinarian someday. Loves all things science, reading, and writing.
Scotlyn is a UNT alum, Class of 2020. She graduated with a degree in Digital and Print Journalism and a minor in English. During her time with Her Campus, she served as the Chapter President for two years, and also held positions as Chapter Advisor, Writer, and Chapter Expansion Assistant through Her Campus Media. And yes, her name is like the country, but spelled differently.