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women fists raised in air
women fists raised in air
Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

    As many first-generation students in college can relate, COVID has taken a toll on a lot of us and definitely has been for the worse. This article is to acknowledge my first-gen scholars who have been struggling mentally and emotionally with COVID as it is affecting their academic careers. I want you to know you are seen and you are enough for this path. I know your classes seem so much harder than last semester, but you got this! For my freshman first-gens’, I promise you college is not this tough. There are actual programs to ensure your success with school. The problem is that everything is virtual so it is harder to find. 

    Do not let anything stop you from reaching your goal, despite the level of hardship it is at. See this as an opportunity to grow in an area you thought you weren’t capable of. I understand how it feels to feel like you aren’t enough or feeling like quitting your degree. If you have gotten to that point mentally, please go see a therapist or just someone you trust with your emotions. Your mental health is so delicate and fragile, and it is important to take care of it! Many of us may have family that most likely do not believe in seeking help for mental health. I understand, for a long time, I allowed my mother to control me and allowed myself to think I am lesser than anyone else if I had gotten a C in a class. Not only is that so unrealistic to believe, but also I was just damaging myself unconsciously. We need to stop that trend if we are going to build a successful society. So if you need to, cry. Just cry and let it out. But the moment you are done crying, get to work! The faster you chase that degree, the faster you can reach your goal – whatever that may be. Our future needs you… literally. 

    One last thing to remind and ask yourself what kind of life can you build yourself if you never decided to chase your degree of choice? I cannot speak for anyone but myself, but my degree is all I have to ensure a good life. I am sure it is like that for a lot of first-generation students as well. 

    So, Dear First Gen, I see you and I know you’re going to do amazing at the end. This is your sign to keep going with your dream and make it a reality. COVID is just a test life put in your way to see if you can actually do it. I’m here as validation that you can, it just might take a little longer but that’s okay. 

Sincerely from another First Gen,


Paula Maria Frade

Hello! My name is Paula Maria Frade and I attend the University of North Texas. I am a first generation student with my dad being from Mexico and my mom growing up as a migrant worker in South Texas. I am a double major in Political Science and LCEP (Latino, Culture, Economy, and Policy) and with my majors I hope to one day start in my community and fix the education system! Who knows where I will go from there, it is only the beginning. I hope to inspire other first gen students with my writing and possibly learn something knew as we grow together! Thank you for the read, Paula Frade