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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

It seems you’ve brought the stars with you— 

    How is it that these words from a stranger bring

such peace over my body? Perhaps it is reassurance— 


I am a celestial king, bones carved out

     of stardust, blood made of solar flares, & flesh 

pieced together by the fragments of the planets ruling


the skies & everything beneath them. Sun

     beams glitter in my eyes, make their honey shine,

help me to see that I am bound to make mistakes— 


I am made to fumble, to change, to grow.

     Under full moons, tides within me push & pull

until I comprehend that the earth is a part of me.


I have a gravitational pull all on my own.

     I am a force to be reckoned with, made up of 

passion & fury. Constellations light up within my chest,


set me afire with certainty, rush my veins

     with philautia. Fear is cast away, for Venus wove stars 

into my chest, a constellation of love leading me home.

Samantha is currently a junior at UNT and is studying English with a concentration in creative writing and a minor in philosophy. She enjoys poetry, creative non-fiction, and all things witchy. She can be found on instagram and twitter under @ghostgrimoire.