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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

As a new semester approaches, there is a chance to start fresh and write a new chapter. This is an opportunity to apply the lessons learned from the previous semester, to push forward and reach new heights. Whether you’re a freshman, seasoned senior, or even a transfer student, trying to make the best out of your first semester, these 5 tips will help you ace this semester like a pro!

1. Get a Planner (and use it) Planners are essential to keeping your life organized in college! Between classes, org meetings, exams, and assignment due dates, everyone needs a way to stay on track. If this is your first semester, you’re probably the busiest you’ve ever been as a student, juggling so many new responsibilities. Having a planner will keep you up to date with what’s going on in your life. You can purchase a planner virtually anywhere: on campus bookstore, Walmart, Target, and Michael’s to name a few. I recommend getting a cute planner that compliments your personal style, that way you’ll always want to keep it near you. Once you’ve got your planner the next step is to start filling it with dates and other relevant information. I personally sit down with my syllabi from each class and write each assignment and exam due date. This helps me keep track of all the assignments I have for the entire semester and makes it easy to be prepared for the upcoming week. After listing your assignments, I suggest you add motivational quotes or notes of encouragement to yourself to stay motivated. Write EVERYTHING in your planner! This will not only help with organizing your day but also with time management. At the start of each week review your planner for that week to prepare yourself for what’s ahead.


2. Eliminate Procrastination Now this one is tough; procrastination is your worst enemy in college. Eliminating procrastination is easier said than done. I recommend tackling this by first creating a schedule of what you need to accomplish each day and sticking to it; having a planner will make this easy. While doing this, reserve thirty minutes to an hour of your day to have free time, that way you won’t be too overwhelmed with your class work or other commitments. Another way to avoid procrastination is to start assignments early. There will always be a day where class is canceled, or you don’t have any homework; this is the perfect opportunity to get ahead on upcoming assignments. Work smarter not harder. If you have an assignment due Tuesday, plan to start it on Sunday, as doing this will ease the pressure of getting it done. Even if you don’t get to complete, the assignment on that Sunday getting a head start will get you one step closer to completing it and submitting it on time.

3. Take Advantage of Extra Credit Opportunities Now this tip is a major key! When it comes to extra credit in college the likely hood varies depending on your professor. Some professors will not offer extra credit and are firm on that notion. So as a rule of thumb, if it isn’t offered don’t ask! Now if your professor does extend the offer for extra credit please take it! When the semester ends those extra credit points can give your final grade an extra push in the right direction. Taking advantage of extra credit can also help you build a relationship with your professors. Completing extra credit assignments means that the professor will see your name more and send the message that you are serious about being successful in the course.

4. Use Your Resources This is essential to your success in college every year. Our campus is full of resources to ensure your success in and out of the classroom, so take advantage of them while you’re here. Need help with your classes? Sage Hall is your friend. Sage is home to the math lab, writing lab, learning center and much more. For health resources look to Chestnut Hall home of the student health and wellness center. There you will find the counseling services, pharmacy, optometry services, gynecological service, dentistry and walk-in STD testing. These are just a few of the services they provide check their website for more. Also located in Chestnut is the career center; here you can get assistance with resumes, mock interviews, job searching and more. This is a great resource to take advantage of because once graduation comes, we all will be heading into our respective careers. Why not take advantage of this service and be prepared to ace that interview and increase your confidence? Keep in mind that your professors, deans, and even classmates can be resources to you as well. So, introduce yourself and make connections with other you share similar interest with; this is how you build your network.

5. Treat Yourself This last tip is make or break! As you’re working this semester, acing exams, and being super involved on campus, don’t forget to reward yourself. Create a rewards system for example, treat yourself to a night out after passing all your midterms or plan a fun get away with your girls after finals week. Rewarding yourself is essential to keeping a healthy life balance; work hard, play hard. Rewarding yourself is another way to recognize your accomplishments and celebrate them. College can bring on a lot of stress, so when you push through and reach your goals, take pride in that. 

I am a Junior studying Fashion Merchandising at UNT. I enjoy binge watching Netflix and Hulu. I look forward to covering current trends and new designer collections.
Scotlyn is a UNT alum, Class of 2020. She graduated with a degree in Digital and Print Journalism and a minor in English. During her time with Her Campus, she served as the Chapter President for two years, and also held positions as Chapter Advisor, Writer, and Chapter Expansion Assistant through Her Campus Media. And yes, her name is like the country, but spelled differently.