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What coffee really stands for…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.


What coffee really stands for…



            Duh! This is obvious. Why drink coffee with no caffeine, it’s what we college kids live for. Late nights, motivation to “study”, because it’s Friday (so why not?).



            Okay I admit… I can’t survive without coffee. That’s bad, I know but once you reach past all levels of sanity your body physically can’t function without it. Forget school. Forget work. Pajamas all day!



            You know that friend that sits by your side cheering you on as you study for that final exam… yeah, her name is Caramel Macchiato. Don’t be fooled by those so-called friends of yours when they leave you in on a Saturday night to drown in your flash cards and tears.



            After those continuous “cold turkey” break-ups that only lasted a day, that sad cup of coffee always came crawling back, just when you needed him most!




           An amount of something that is more than necessary. So… how many cups of coffee per day are too many?


Energy [for the mind]

             When that last espresso shot kicks in and makes your mind run haywire planning every last detail of your day, while the kid next to you pokes your still body to make sure your still alive.  



Caffeine Obsessive, Friends Forever, Excess Energy