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Starbucks Partner Cup Contest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Many coffee shops incorporate art within the restaurant. Some places allow artists to sell their art or just let them show it off by displaying artwork on the walls. In this day and age, we tend to associate coffee with art.

Starbucks, the nations leading coffee power has recently started a contest that takes coffee and art to the next step. Baristas have the chance to compete by decorating cups with their own hand drawn art. Now, we may start seeing a trend with artwork on what was once a plain white cup. Starbucks has narrowed it down to a few contestants left. Here is their artwork:


Lauren, District Columbia

Kerry, Illinois

Shelby, Michigan

Benjamin, Texas

Jeremiah, California

Brynn, Washington

Brandon, New Mexico


All photos by Starbucks- more information on the contest and original photos can be found here: http://news.starbucks.com/news/finalists-chosen-for-starbucks-partner-cup-design-contest

Wannabe world traveler. Devoted coffee drinker. Animal lover. Pizza advocate.