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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

With spring semester starting up at UNL this week, I think everyone is hoping for a fresh start. There is no doubt that after this first week, students will be begging for spring break. My biggest advice to you is this: stay focused, stay positive and give yourself a break. Here are some tips to put the spring back in spring semester.

1. If you fail the first test, that doesn’t mean you’ll end up failing the class.

Contrary to belief, bombing the first test of the semester does not mean you’re going to flunk the class as a whole. That first test is out to intimidate you for the first class. Prepare better for the next one and take it as a learning experience. After all, we’re all here to learn. Right?

2. Set up a schedule for studying.

Someone gave me this advice last semester and I have yet to test it out, but it sounds foolproof. If you’re studying for a test or in general with no endpoint to studying, give yourself an allotted amount of time to study each subject. For example, an hour for Chemistry, an hour and a half for Calculus, etc. It will break it up so it keeps from overwhelming you.

3. Give yourself a break.

I think most students go into studying with the mindset of knocking everything out at once with no breaks. Honestly, it sounds easier than it actually is. If you’re anything like me, anything and everything distracts you.

Set up your study sessions with a time amount of vigorous studying and then an even smaller time amount of a break. For example, work on something for 20 minutes nonstop and with full motivation, and then after 20 minutes take 5 minutes to go on Facebook, Instagram, etc. It breaks up studying immensely!

4. Get enough sleep.

Your teachers say it, your mom says it and now I’m saying it. You are nothing without some rest. It’s essential for both your physical and mental health and your physical and mental health is important. Do it.

5. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Don’t daydream about spring break too much. But keep it as motivation to do well before that point. It’s fast approaching and it’ll be here before you know it.

This semester will be a good one with the right mindset. Stay strong! HCXO

Co-president of the UNL Her Campus chapter