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Nebraskans Take Progressive Matters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

In Nebraska’s current law there is are current statutes in place that effect women such as not being able to discriminate on sex, marital status, race, etc. But what there currently is not is the law is the restriction on workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. UNL alumni and State Senator Morfeld representing Lincoln proposed such a bill.


Gay and transgender individuals continue to face widespread discrimination in the workplace. Studies show that anywhere from 15 percent to 43 percent of gay people have experienced some form of discrimination and harassment at the workplace.


  • Fifteen percent to 43 percent of gay and transgender workers have experienced some form of discrimination on the job.
  • Eight percent to 17 percent of gay and transgender workers report being passed over for a job or fired because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Ten percent to 28 percent received a negative performance evaluation or were passed over for a promotion because they were gay or transgender.
  • Seven percent to 41 percent of gay and transgender workers were verbally or physically abused or had their workplace vandalized.


This is a much-contested bill right now in Nebraska’s political climate as the ACLU in conjunction with same-sex couples is currently suing the Nebraska Supreme Court. Along with this are also bills that focus efforts on allowing same-sex couples able to adopt or become foster parents.


            The Nebraska legislature runs under a non-partisan process for elections, so for a traditionally conservative state to so whole-heartedly embrace the efforts for the rights of others is something to be proud have. If you’re a collegiate in Nebraska and interested in these issues, please feel free to contact your state senators so that they know you support! 

Self-proclaimed feminist killjoy and young politico.