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Legally Blonde is on Netflix and I Couldn’t be Happier

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Legally Blonde is back on Netflix! Finally! One of the best girl power, romantic movies of all time is available to stream on Netflix. I have already watched it, and I will no doubt watch it again (and again).

This movie was so ahead of its time. It was relevant in 2001, and it’s relevant in 2019. Not only is it filled with emotion and humor, but the message and themes are also so important. Here’s what I love about the movie:

  1. Elle shows you can be pretty and smart. Everyone can see her looks, and she’s proud of them. But she also makes sure everyone knows what she’s capable of, which is a lot.

  2. Warner is a jerk that gets what he deserves. He takes advantage of people, is manipulative, and is outright awful the whole time. Luckily, he ends up with less than he started, just as he deserved.

  3. On the contrary, Emmett is perfect because he believes in Elle from the first moment and pushes her to succeed. He never saw her as just another blonde, he saw her as a law student. Get yourself an Emmett, not a Warner.

  4. It’s a funny movie. There’s so much humor woven into the movie. And it only gets better with time. I find myself smiling for the whole movie.

  5. Elle and Vivian become friends. They could have made them jealous enemies thrown into perpetual bitterness over a jerk like Warner. But instead, they wrote them to grow and rise above the petty hate to support each other.

  6. She helps Paulette and becomes great friends with her. They met by chance, and then their friendship grew. What makes their friendship awesome is that they come from completely different backgrounds, but they have common feelings and situations, which they use to lean on each other and build each other up.

  7. The trial scene is quite possibly one of the best climaxes in cinematic history. Case closed.

Halie is a junior double majoring in Political Science and Economics. She likes to spend her time watching Netflix documentaries, following politics, and hanging out with her cat Luna. This is her third year writing for UNL Her Campus and her second year as the Campus Correspondent for the chapter.