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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

I started off this year basically just eating mac and cheese and cereal for my meals. I quickly realized I would need to eat real food at some point, but I’m stingy and I barely have time to cook. Luckily I have a Pinterest account and Minute Rice exists.

One of the absolute easiest real meals to make is chicken, rice and vegetables. I buy Minute Rice, which is fairly cheap, easy, and fast. Cook some chicken breast in a pan with oil, add vegetables, and BOOM, you’re eating like an adult. You can even go crazy and make a sauce with honey, soy sauce, sesame oil and corn starch. Here’s a good recipe I’ve been using, with my own variations:



It’s also incredibly easy to upgrade your box of mac and cheese or even Ramen with vegetables and protein. Follow the directions on the box, then just add whatever you want (broccoli, chicken, spinach, etc.) to make it a real meal! Here are some ideas to get you started:



Let’s not forget about the slow cooker! This is such an easy way to make a great meal with hardly any work. Make some soup, pot roast, or even stir fry!



Liz is a current student at UNL, majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders with a minor in Education.