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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Alex Fernando might just be the biggest Husker fan on campus, and he has the passion and resume to back it up. Alex is a sophomore from Sioux City, Iowa and has had a love for UNL since he was a child.

Alex’s extensive knowledge about UNL gained him a position on the tour guiding staff when he was a freshman, which is quite rare. This year Alex continues to give tours to curious students around campus and he also obtained the job to tour possible football recruits around Memorial Stadium. When asked about his favorite thing about giving these tours Alex said, “I love getting to talk about what I love with people who are also passionate about football.”  His love for the Huskers doesn’t stop there. Alex also volunteers his time with Husker video and helps video tape the football practices so the players can see what they need to work on. Alex hopes to one day work with the football program here at UNL and he is grateful to have the opportunity to get his foot in the door in his field of interest.

Not only does Alex work with possible new students of UNL, he also works with the Alumni by being on the Board of Directors of the Scarlet Guard. With this position Alex is in charge of helping with the planning of events for the association and for setting up Alumni speakers for their meetings.

Alex Fernando’s passion for UNL goes beyond the typical fan status. He truly works with every type of Husker, whether they be a future student or Alumni.