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Campus Cutie: Isaac Brockshus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNI chapter.

           Ian Goldsmith, Spencer Walrath, Logan Mundt, and Michael McAndrew. What do these four boys have in common? Well, for those who don’t know—all have held the title of Campus Cutie at some point this school year. However, that is not the ONLY commonality these boys share. In fact, they happen to share everything from their sinks to their kitchen to their very bathroom. Yes ladies, these boys happen to make up four of their five-member apartment in ROTH, affectionately named the “Presidential Suite.”
            What does all of this have to do with our next Campus Cutie, you might ask? Well, it just so happens that in a presidential sweep, the fifth and final member of the suite found his way onto a chair in GBPAC being drilled on all of life’s most important “cutie” questions. Ladies, I would love nothing more than to introduce you to this week’s next Campus Cutie, a sure presidential “sweet”, Isaac Brockshus.
            Isaac, a senior here at UNI, joins us from the small town of Spencer, IA: home of an internationally acclaimed library cat by the name of Dewey (don’t believe me? Look it up—he even has his own movie in Japan!), and home to a soon-to-be famous composer, our-one-and-only Isaac Brockshus himself. As a Music and Composition Theory major here at UNI, to say that music is Isaac’s life hardly even touches on its importance to this cutie.
            “No major is more fun for me. It is time consuming, but I couldn’t ask for something more thrilling,” says Isaac of his time spent in his major. One day, Isaac hopes to work either in music management or in composition— possibly writing musical numbers for kids to play. In our interview, it appears to me that he is already well on his way. Whether it be singly planning a “taste and listen” concert, accompanying other UNI students, playing the campanile carillon, writing music for children within the Cedar Valley, or working as a music librarian for my personal favorite radio station, IPR, this cutie knows how to keep himself immersed in his passion.
            Within the next ten years, the only plan this cutie has, is to keep up the “growth”. Life could take him to one of the numerous graduate schools that have accepted him, or maybe not. But that is a worry for another day. For the time being, Brockshus is content with growing. In reference to his future, Isaac conceded, “I want to see constant improvement and expansion. I don’t want to end up in a rut.”
            As a graduating senior, I have no doubt he will experience a lot of growth relatively soon—to which I can only imagine him succeeding greatly. Though our cutie admitted to having some reservations over leaving, his hope for 2012 is to experience a new environment, where he can assume a new role, and further meet wonderful people like he has here at UNI.
            Within the two hours we spent chatting, it was evident to me that though this cutie considers himself to be future-oriented, he also has a contemplative spirit. Perhaps this trait can best be found in his recent commencement speech to the students. In his speech, Isaac referenced a recent list he created that named the top 100 people he won’t forget from UNI. The list, Isaac explains, includes people he has met over his years here that he will choose to remember. Whether they be acquaintances that left a lasting impression or his best friends—this cutie has made an intentional step to reflect on his time in college by investing in the people he has valued most.
            I don’t know about you, but upon hearing this idea, I began wishing I had thought of the idea sooner. Someday, when we’re well out of college and settled down into our families (or not) our recollections of our UNI days will be far from our minds, but not from our hearts. So why not reflect on your time here, and give honor to those who have meant the most to you.
            For many of us, we still have semesters left here. Still, others find themselves scrambling to finish up those last credits before graduation day this spring. Wherever we are, why not take this cutie’s example and make a list of people to remember. Or better yet, make friends and participate in activities that are worth remembering.
At this point in the semester it’s easy to drop off the face of the earth in an effort to get your work done, but remember…your friends are feeling the same way. So take this cutie’s advice and make your education meaningful. Give your story here at UNI a good plot, with many characters and set changes. A quick study break for a coffee, or even a chat with a friend won’t hurt you—in fact, it’s likely to be exactly what you both need. It may even make that list of yours longer.

Lottie is a junior at the University of Northern Iowa and she is a communications major with a journalism minor. She has always had a passion for fashion and writing, so she figured, why not combine them? She was a writer for Her Campus only one semester before becoming the Editor-in-chief and campus correspondent for fall of 2011. Lottie is very excited to take on the challenge and to make great things happen with Her Campus magazine.