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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I believe in contrasts that counterattack one another.

A dueling situation of polar opposites 

caught in the unblinking stare of one another.

I believe I know myself.

What a foolish thing to believe to know thyself.

I only partly believe I know myself for 

my soul is multifaceted, shaped by environment

and molded by my own thoughts.

I believe I am learning to know myself.

I believe I am the student to this knowledge 

as time is to the sun and moon who

dance atop the horizon’s floor in immortal tango.

I believe I only dug into the surface level of my beliefs.

What a foolish thing to do.

I believe that is a shame;

but who can say for certain?

Keri studies psychology and writing at UNH. She is a published poet of four collections available online, and she also runs Meadow Mouse Zine. Besides poetry, she is invested in self-development, healing the inner child and thrifting. You can find Keri at @keri.27 on Instagram.