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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Spring semester just started so I have revamped and added some organizational habits to my academic routine. The start of new classes can be overwhelming but here are some ways I keep everything on track!

GooGle Keep

Google Keep has helped me so much throughout these past few years of college. You start with a note and from there it can become a to-do list, reminder or just a note in general. I think of it as a vision board but with all the things you need to do. I use Google Keep for grocery lists, assignments, extracurricular projects and general to-do lists. Overall I highly recommend this website for all your organizational needs.

Using a Planner!

Whether your planner is in paper format or online, planning out your day is super helpful. I go through phases when I use and don’t use my planner but I am trying to keep it a consistent habit in 2022. My planner is where I write all my priorities for the day, when I will do them and in the order of urgency. Usually, my planner will have appointments, deadlines and events for extracurriculars and academics. The calendar pages are the ones I use the most because they allow me to see my entire month and all the events and deadlines for that month. 

Don’t Procastinate

We have all been there, it’s hard not to procrastinate. To avoid procrastinating I usually make a schedule for the day with the times I need to do certain things. By creating a schedule I can make time for each thing that needs to get done and for things I want to do. Overall, following a schedule can help you keep both your academic and non-academic life organized.


Where and how you take your notes is especially important. Personal preference also matters. I usually prefer typing because I can type faster than I can write but for some of my classes paper notes work better. A few ways I take notes other than by hand is Google Docs, Word and Bear (the application is available to download on the App Store and I highly recommend it). Overall, no matter what method you decide to use make sure that it works for you and helps you record all the necessary class material.

I hope these organization tips help you throughout the spring semester! Also don’t be afraid to reach out to all the academic resources on campus and your professors for extra guidance on organization, concepts and support. A few academic resources on campus include CFAR, the writing center and the math center along with many others. I made an appointment with CFAR this week and they were super helpful and helped me prepare for the semester. I recommend using the resources that are here on campus if you need support. 

Happy Spring Semester!

Hi I'm Julia Ignazio and I live in Massachusetts! I'm currently a freshman at UNH studying psychology.