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Ways to Spread Positivity as the Holidays Approach

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

As fall quickly passes by and winter eagerly waits around the corner, this time of year is busy to say the least.  Classes are dragging, your workload is at its absolute peak, and every student organization on campus seems to be simultaneously hosting their fall event. To top it all off, Walmart has already stocked their Christmas isle shelves to the brim when you haven’t even over indulged at the Thanksgiving table yet. Between the umpteen things consuming your time and the holiday season quickly approaching, your attitude may turn negative from time to time- and that’s okay! However, one thing there is always time for in your every day life is positivity. As the holidays roll around, I know I occasionally find it challenging to flick on that cheery-jolly spirit. So as the temperature rapidly drops and the stress of finals speedily heightens, small and simple acts of kindness can help reinstate a sense of positivity. Here are a few positive acts that will not only ignite the spread of holiday spirit in your own life but better yet across the entire campus community this holiday season!


1. Buy the person’s coffee behind you:

Whether you’re the 20th car in line at the hut on a Saturday morning or its just you and a stranger grabbing a coffee before class at Aromas, those $3.00 will go so much further than you think! 


2. Compliment a stranger: 

Speak up! Next time you walk to class, finally let the girl know who you pass every day that you love her hair. Or let the boy in the HoCo line know how sharp his button up looks. One single sentence can make a person’s whole day.


3. Bake for your coworkers: 

Let’s be honest, everyone has at least one sweet tooth, especially around the holidays. Surprise your coworkers with homemade cookies or cupcakes. A sweet treat (or five) will make all of those annoying work related issues slightly less annoying.


4. Leave miscellaneous positive messages: 

In the library, at the gym, we’ve all seen them- but who writes them? Be the person who places words of encouragement on sticky notes randomly around campus. You never know when a person passing by could be in need of a few simple words of insight!


5. Let people know you are thankful for them: 

Maybe its your roommate, best friend, or the girl you suffer through statistics with at 8 a.m, in the spirit of Thanksgiving let these people know how truly thankful you are for their friendship. Whether you shoot them a text or smother them with a warm embrace, your message will surely be appreciated.


6. Make small talk: 

Fill those quiet, typically antisocial everyday moments with a little genuine connection. Tedious rides on the Wildcat Transit or the stagnant time spent waiting for class to start are boring to say the least. So turn to the person next to you, ask them what they want for Christmas or what their plans are for winter break. Maybe you will create a future friendship or maybe you simply will remind a stranger that a good mood is contagious


7. Throw a secret santa with your friends: 

Who doesn’t love presents? It doesn’t have to be expensive- let’s be honest, we’re all broke. Cap it off at a $10.00 max or require all gifts to be second hand. Nothing screams holiday spirit like getting together with a few of your closest friends and exchanging random lotions and gift cards.


8. Scrape the snow off the car next to you: 

We live in New England but without fail every winter the mass snowfalls catch us off guard. Removing it is cold, wet, tiresome, and never enjoyed at 7 a.m. when already late for class. If you have a minute, clean off the windshield of the car next to yours. You never know when someone would have been unprepared for a storm or if you’ll simply be the reason that person starts the day off on the right foot.

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!