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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Everything that is going on today is very stressful for a lot of people. For students, people have to adapt to a new way of learning. For others, they lost their jobs, or at least temporarily. Some people are fine with the lack of socializing, and other’s mental health is suffering from it. Although I do not mind being alone, watching heartwarming TV shows have helped. Rather than watching something full of drama, during a time of stress, it is good to get a good laugh. Here is my list of shows that help me through times of distress.


1. Parks and Recreation

This is a favorite for a lot of people and I think it ranks really high in the sitcoms on Netflix. It is funny but still with a plot that keeps you interested.

2. Gilmore Girls

Originally, I watched this show with my mom and now we are watching it again. Whether you watch it for a mother-daughter moment or just on your own, it is lighthearted and a relaxing show to watch.


3. New Girl

This is another sitcom that really makes me laugh. All the characters bring a different dynamic to the show but it still works very well and it’s a show that is worth a watch.


4. How I Met Your Mother

I don’t know many people who have watched this show, but I loved it when I was younger and now re-watching it in my 20’s is still giving me a laugh. Some jokes are raunchy at the beginning of the series, but holding on for both the laughs and the plot is worth it.


5. Brooklyn Nine-Nine

I’ve only watched this show through once, but it always left me smiling. Again, there is a good variety of characters that bring a different dynamic. Also, there is even one episode where there is a cross over between this and New Girl! 

woman eating popcorn
Photo by JESHOOTS.com from Pexels

I hope these light-hearted shows help you get through this rough and stressful time. I know for me, it is always nice to sit back and relax during something funny and happy. I hope everyone is staying safe and managing stress and anxiety during this time well- and if not, I hope this list helps!

Hi everyone, my name is Anna and I'm currently a sophomore at UNH! I'm currently studying English and Psychology. With an interest in editing, I love being part of HC! insta: anna.rk
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!