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Taking Care of Myself Over Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I have noticed some of these HerCampus articles have become almost an outlet for my emotions and I have learned to enjoy letting my feelings out. 

Over spring break, I spent the majority of it alone on campus while I watched every single social media post someone had whether they were somewhere tropical or just somewhere that wasn’t home or Durham. It was easy to get lost in the social media loop of focusing on what I wasn’t doing versus what I actually was. I had mixed emotions during the week of spring break but it was the first week in a long time that I had actually taken time for myself and prioritized my personal well being. So yes it was hard to watch my closest friends all vacation together in some of the places I have always wanted to go too but it is also important I remembered I was taking care of myself. Self care takes shape in various ways and it is important to remember that just because you may not be in a place with people around, does not mean it is a bad thing.  For myself it was important for me to take a look around me and focus on what was important in that exact moment and what I was doing for myself. 

I indulged in the little things that make me happy and I realized that the small acts of self care and kindness can go a long way.

Lover of country music and my dog.